Type: The individual
Planet: The Sun
Letters: A-J-S
1 Persontype
1 Name number
1 Consonant Number
1 Vowel number
1 Life lesson number
1 Lucky Dates
1 Birthday number
1 Lifeperiods
1 Challenges
1 Highlights
1 Abundance number
1 Focus Number
1 House number
No. 2
2 Persontype
2 Name number
2 Consonant Number
2 Vowel number
2 Life lesson number
2 Lucky Dates
2 Birthday number
2 Lifeperiods
2 Challenges
2 Highlights
2 Abundance number
2 Focus Number
2 House number
No. 3
3 Persontype
3 Name number
3 Consonant Number
3 Vowel number
3 Life lesson number
3 Lucky Dates
3 Birthday number
3 Lifeperiods
3 Challenges
3 Highlights
3 Abundance number
3 Focus Number
3 House number
No. 4
4 Persontype
4 Name number
4 Consonant Number
4 Vowel number
4 Life lesson number
4 Lucky Dates
4 Birthday number
4 Lifeperiods
4 Challenges
4 Highlights
4 Abundance number
4 Focus Number
4 House number
No. 5
5 Persontype
5 Name number
5 Consonant Number
5 Vowel number
5 Life lesson number
5 Lucky Dates
5 Birthday number
5 Lifeperiods
5 Challenges
5 Highlights
5 Abundance number
5 Focus Number
5 House number
No. 6
6 Persontype
6 Name number
6 Consonant Number
6 Vowel number
6 Life lesson number
6 Lucky Dates
6 Birthday number
6 Lifeperiods
6 Challenges
6 Highlights
6 Abundance number
6 Focus Number
6 House number
No. 7
7 Persontype
7 Name number
7 Consonant Number
7 Vowel number
7 Life lesson number
7 Lucky Dates
7 Birthday number
7 Lifeperiods
7 Challenges
7 Highlights
7 Abundance number
7 Focus Number
7 House number
No. 8
8 Persontype
8 Name number
8 Consonant Number
8 Vowel number
8 Life lesson number
8 Lucky Dates
8 Birthday number
8 Lifeperiods
8 Challenges
8 Highlights
8 Abundance number
8 Focus Number
8 House number
No. 9
9 Persontype
9 Name number
9 Consonant Number
9 Vowel number
9 Life lesson number
9 Lucky Dates
9 Birthday number
9 Lifeperiods
9 Challenges
9 Highlights
9 Abundance number
9 Focus Number
9 House number
No. 11
No. 22
No. 33
Achiever, Motivator, Communicator, Competition human. People with many 1 numbers in their numerological profile are creative, brave, independent and born leaders. They have willpower and faith in themselves and their own ideas. They generate ideas and possess the organizational skills to implement them.
However, being distinctly individualistic as well, they may be disinclined to fit in as subordinate members of a group. They may act selfish and have a lack of interest in others.
The vibration for creation, courage, independence, willpower and belief in oneself and one’s own ideas. They hate opposition and they are usually lucky to reach the top in the occupation or profession they have chosen. They always strive to be at the forefront of their business.
They are positive in their views, ambitious and strongly personal, as a result often more or less assertive or stubborn in what they do.
Creativity, originality, courage, independence, leadership, pioneering, activity, strength.
If you are a positive 1 you are quite original. Your sharp penetrating mind seeks to express itself in many ways, and your talent can manifest if you work as an inventor, designer or manager in any creative field.
Your resourcefulness allows you to solve problems creatively and constructively. This process will make you a deft personality who expresses exact views positively. You are the pioneer who settles into the wilderness to create a new life for yourself.
Laziness, imitation, addiction, selfishness, self-absorption, stagnation, stubbornness. Tyranny, hostility, violence, “me” at all costs.
If you are a negative 1, you have an extra powerful ego which makes you superior, selfish and insensitive. You have no feelings for others and no respect for other people’s views. Your own stubbornness in pursuing your own path despite conflicting evidence sets up a chain of events that will lead to mistakes and loneliness.
Abundance number is the number that appears the most times in your numerological profile. As the highest representation in the calculation, it indicates areas that you already master and you can consider whether you should move the energy to areas where your data shows less representation.
Many 1s in the numerological profile show strong opinions and dominance, a lot of courage, independence and vital energy.
Focus number is the number that appears the fewest times in your numerological profile. The focus number indicates with its smallest representation in the calculation that you should consider whether you can draw energy to these areas.
Few 1’s in the numerological profile shows that the Self does not come first. The person may lack ambition and initiative.
When you have number 1 as a life lesson, the main thing that you have to learn in this life is the belief in yourself and your own ideas.
This is a two-part process. First you must learn to be independent, to trust yourself and your own intuition. You must first learn to trust your originality, willpower, creativity and your ability to innovate things around you.
Next, you must learn to lead, to set the tone, to have the courage and drive to go ahead with innovative ideas in new areas. With the number 1 as your destiny number, you must learn to be the type of leader who generates ideas, is creatively inspiring and possesses enthusiasm, overview and the organizational skills to implement the ideas.
There is a natural danger of selfishness and lack of interest in others in this development, which you must be aware of. You should therefore be aware that your development of your individuality may require its sacrifices.
Others can quickly come to perceive you as dictatorial, stubborn and single-minded. By being aware of this challenge, you can avoid many pitfalls. You thus do yourself a lot of good if you recognize that you are best in a position where you can take the lead, be an initiator, inventor or innovator of some sort and as much as possible avoid taking the role of the follower or as a subordinate member of a group.
For the simple reason that in these positions you do not get to unfold your true self and thereby are not beneficial either to yourself or to your surroundings.
With the number 1 as your destiny number, you have a latent desire and a latent capacity to be the unique individual who is unstoppable in his best form and who achieves great unique individual achievements, whether these are sought within the world of sports, the world of business or somewhere else entirely .
Being individually creative, courageous and independent is what you must learn in this life and the more you realize that your personal talents belong to the divine spark and not to your person, the more your spiritual awareness will grow. And you will find your meaning and place in life by following your abilities and resources.
Let your pioneering spirit take precedence over everything else and express your unique individuality.
All days that fall on a date with the 1’s own number. So the 1. 10. 19. or 28. Number 1-People should always seek to bring their ideas to fruition on these dates.
The meaning of having the number 1 as your birthday number is that you are a leader type who generates ideas and possesses organizational skills to implement them.
When your name number is 1, this indicates that what you can or must express in life can – depending on how harmonious you are within yourself – be characterized by the vibrations that the number 1 represents;
“The vibration of creation, courage, independence, willpower and belief in oneself and one’s own ideas.”
Leadership is your key word and you must accept the fate of leading while others follow. Your own independent initiatives will help you achieve success through your determination to stand firm on your own convictions – even under duress. By showing a firm belief in yourself and demonstrating your ability to win, you will succeed in any situation.
You should develop and represent the real “I am”, aware of yourself as the center of your world. You should be searching for your individual desires and you should realize these in an independent, individual way. You are here to develop the self, but you must not allow it to be carried out as extreme selfishness.
Thus, with this vibration there is a danger of selfishness and lack of interest in others. Deal with this as best you can. Your main path is to develop faith in yourself and your own ideas, independent of accepted norms and conventions, which may require some casualties on the battlefield.
But you don’t have to be flamboyant and overbearing to express your individuality. The greatest danger for you is precisely if you suppress your destiny to be the one in the lead and settle for a second-rate position. This does not come naturally to you and will not lead to anything good either for yourself or your surroundings.
Allow your greatness to unfold and you will succeed in this life. For the joy of yourself and the world around you – both privately and professionally – who will benefit from your achievements.
You come across as independent, skilled and a leading image for the outside world. Others see you as a unique individualist who stands out from the crowd. Maybe a loner in some areas. But definitely different. They expect you to be able to take control in any situation and be able to lead any organization or association effectively.
They look up to you to get a job done because you stand out as a leader, a pioneer. The resourceful person who always knows where to go and what to do. The creation of the correct image is first and foremost in your mind, and you rely on the power of your personality as your identity permeates society.
You may appear to be overly aggressive and domineering. In that case, your selfish needs to assert your individuality are realized at the expense of the free expression of those around you.
1 – THE INDIVIDUAL. The vibration for creation, courage, independence, willpower and belief in oneself and one’s own ideas. At this vibration there is danger of selfishness and lack of interest in others.
DEEPENING: Leadership skills gained in past lives now bring a desire to continue striving for higher consciousness. You are independent regarding your own beliefs. Your desires for free and independent thinking continue to occupy your innermost yearnings. Don’t let this strong drive keep you from achieving practical goals in this life. You are always aware of your inner strength and will find it difficult to take a secondary place among your contemporaries.
If marriage or partnership is being considered, you should examine the inner longings of your would-be partner to protect the successful outcome of your relationship. If your individuality is too strong, it can express itself domineeringly and be detrimental to personal happiness.
So strong is the intensity of your concentration and so strong is the memory of your own past honors that you are inclined to cling to your own convictions, even if this could destroy important relationships. Your inner strength gives you something to hold on to when the going gets tough, and you can be a source of inspiration for others when there are problematic times.
gets vibration from 1
This means that in the early years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 1. And since the vibrations that the number 1 contains are faith in yourself and your own ideas, independence and individual, independent creation, this will manifest itself in the following way:
Originality and creativity will emerge quickly and continue throughout the period. You acquire the ability to lead early on, but when it comes to learning to follow others and conform, problems can arise. You have a good self-understanding, individuality and self-confidence early on, which can all help you to achieve success early in life. You will probably be aggressive in your early career choices and jump fearlessly into challenges.
gets vibration from 1
This means that in the productive years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 1. And since the vibrations that the number 1 contains are faith in yourself and your own ideas, independence and individual, independent creation, this will manifest itself in the following way:
During this period you will possess more energy, motivation and determination thanks to the first period of life.
Your behavior is now largely independent and your leadership skills are evident. Potential pitfalls for you in this period will be losing control over the ego and perhaps at times showing a lack of patience on your part.
gets vibration from 1
This means that in the later years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 1. And since the vibrations that the number 1 contains are faith in yourself and your own ideas, independence and individual, independent creation, this will manifest itself in the following way:
New challenges will most likely continue to come, even in later years. During this period, you will be able to achieve the recognition that you did not get before. This can mean that it will be difficult to just sit back and take it easy. A 1-number life period cannot be used for early retirement or withdrawal and leisure activities. In fact, this period can be the most active time of your life.
To appear to feel dominated. You must learn to stop feeling inferior and/or dominated by others. This sense of dominance may come from a parent, someone who otherwise has power and control over your life, or someone with whom you are in competition. You must free yourself from this feeling of dominance without, on the other hand, asserting yourself where you do not belong. There must be balance in things.
Your challenge to overcome this feeling can start from a deep examination of your own reaction patterns. To what extent are you really dominated and to what extent do you just feel dominated? Is this dominance something that only you are aware of or is it also visible to others? Research the problem before you jump to the solution!
The influence of number 1 is a drive for independence; the desire to express one’s individuality by means of original ideals; leading and directing others, achieving results and being recognized for them.
Influenced by the number 1, most of your youth was probably spent learning how to use original ideas, how to lead, how to trust yourself without being selfish, stubborn, self-centered or domineering. This is a period to learn leadership and it may not provide the opportunities you would like. It is primarily an educational time.
With the influence of number 1 on the second and third cusp, there will be a degree of aggressiveness in your behaviour. Your ability to progress and develop your talents is only limited by your own initiative. Your achievements are likely to be very visible to the public and a sense of independence allows you to take on a leadership role
When the energies of number 1 affect your old age, any desire to retire or slow down will be unfulfilled. Challenges and changes will characterize this part of your life. Responsibilities and results will be based on the ability to lead, direct and express your own individuality and original ideas.
House number 1 applies where the cross sum is 1, i.e. 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82, 91, 100, etc.
1. house balance:
Creativity, originality, courage, independence, leadership, pioneering, creative activity, strength, ability to act. A 1st residence supports you in activities such as inventions, design or leadership in any creative field.
1 house imbalance:
If the people in the house are out of balance, the 1st vibration can swing over to the negative side: Laziness, imitation, addiction, selfishness, self-absorption, stagnation, stubbornness. Tyranny, hostility, violence, “me” at all costs.
It will be best for you to live in a house number that has energies that help you achieve your desires, dreams, longings. According to numerology, these should revolve around your Life Lesson, as this is your basic destiny, what you came into this life to learn – and the sooner you learn these lessons, the better and happier life you will have.
Your best house number holds energies that support you in fulfilling your basic destiny. Supporting you to learn the lessons your life lessons dictate. If you have already learned these lessons – and are looking to expand your life in a different direction – a different house number will be more advantageous for you. You can see what the individual house numbers contribute in terms of energy by clicking on the numbers.
If there are several of you in the household, the best house number will be the one that best supports you together – Read more

Type: Partner
Planet: The Moon
Letters: B-K-T
1 Persontype
1 Name number
1 Consonant Number
1 Vowel number
1 Life lesson number
1 Lucky Dates
1 Birthday number
1 Lifeperiods
1 Challenges
1 Highlights
1 Abundance number
1 Focus Number
1 House number
No. 2
2 Persontype
2 Name number
2 Consonant Number
2 Vowel number
2 Life lesson number
2 Lucky Dates
2 Birthday number
2 Lifeperiods
2 Challenges
2 Highlights
2 Abundance number
2 Focus Number
2 House number
No. 3
3 Persontype
3 Name number
3 Consonant Number
3 Vowel number
3 Life lesson number
3 Lucky Dates
3 Birthday number
3 Lifeperiods
3 Challenges
3 Highlights
3 Abundance number
3 Focus Number
3 House number
No. 4
4 Persontype
4 Name number
4 Consonant Number
4 Vowel number
4 Life lesson number
4 Lucky Dates
4 Birthday number
4 Lifeperiods
4 Challenges
4 Highlights
4 Abundance number
4 Focus Number
4 House number
No. 5
5 Persontype
5 Name number
5 Consonant Number
5 Vowel number
5 Life lesson number
5 Lucky Dates
5 Birthday number
5 Lifeperiods
5 Challenges
5 Highlights
5 Abundance number
5 Focus Number
5 House number
No. 6
6 Persontype
6 Name number
6 Consonant Number
6 Vowel number
6 Life lesson number
6 Lucky Dates
6 Birthday number
6 Lifeperiods
6 Challenges
6 Highlights
6 Abundance number
6 Focus Number
6 House number
No. 7
7 Persontype
7 Name number
7 Consonant Number
7 Vowel number
7 Life lesson number
7 Lucky Dates
7 Birthday number
7 Lifeperiods
7 Challenges
7 Highlights
7 Abundance number
7 Focus Number
7 House number
No. 8
8 Persontype
8 Name number
8 Consonant Number
8 Vowel number
8 Life lesson number
8 Lucky Dates
8 Birthday number
8 Lifeperiods
8 Challenges
8 Highlights
8 Abundance number
8 Focus Number
8 House number
No. 9
9 Persontype
9 Name number
9 Consonant Number
9 Vowel number
9 Life lesson number
9 Lucky Dates
9 Birthday number
9 Lifeperiods
9 Challenges
9 Highlights
9 Abundance number
9 Focus Number
9 House number
No. 11
No. 22
No. 33
The Helper, Partner, Relationship Maker, Giver, Lover – The personality of people with many two numbers in their numerological profile are opposites to 1. Here, the focus is on community, diplomacy and cooperation.
2s have an innate ability to see two sides of the same story and are good at reconciling opposites. They advocate community and are full of love, kindness and desire to work well with others.
The number two stands for consideration, conflict, choice, either/or, ambivalence, emotions. Symbol of the duplicity that is in everything. The number two is particularly associated with the emotional. They prefer to avoid hurting other people’s feelings, regardless of whether it means that they have to submit themselves to their will.
As a result, they may appear shy and lack confidence. However, they also have a strong inner sense of justice and are able to dare to do what they know is right.
Love, gentleness, harmony, diplomacy, tact, rhythm, music, cooperation. As a positive 2, you can be of great use to your fellow humans because of your ability to resolve problems amicably, and you may very well become the power behind the throne. You have learned the art of cooperation, tact and diplomacy.
You understand how the other person thinks and feels and you can get in touch with your own feelings and sensations because you can see the reaction you get from your partner. By having developed awareness of opposites, you have fostered your own creative possibilities.
Sullen, slack, aversion, indifference, self-defeating, oversensitive, deceitful, mischief-maker, ruthless, cowardice, liar, pessimistic. 2s can tend to be submissive, and their innate gentleness can be perceived as weakness and aloofness.
As a negative 2, you lack confidence and are therefore indecisive and afraid to make decisions. You are oversensitive and easily depressed if your surroundings are unhappy. Danger of weakness and lack of attitude. You may have difficulty making decisions because both sides are so clear to you.
Abundance number is the number that appears the most times in your numerological profile. As the highest representation in the calculation, it indicates areas that you already master and you can consider whether you should move the energy to areas where your data shows less representation.
Many 2s in the numerological profile show consideration for others, sensitivity, grace, rhythm, kindness, cooperativeness and attention to detail.
Focus number is the number that appears the fewest times in your numerological profile. The focus number indicates with its smallest representation in the calculation that you should consider whether you can draw energy to these areas.
Few 2in the numerological profile shows, lack of consideration for others, lack of adaptability, lack of cooperation.
When you have number 2 as a life lesson, the main thing you need to learn in this life is to become good with people. You need to learn partner’s role. Being a support to those in the leadership role helps them find their goals in life and stays in the background if necessary.
You must learn to care about others and bring people together on the basis of common causes. This vibration requires community and is full of love, kindness and desires to work well with others.
You must learn to be the one who looks up to different opinions and who is objectively able to reconcile opposites and get others to cooperate. You must learn to be a master of collaboration and of maintaining harmony and foresight in your surroundings. Always be the one who sees opportunities for cooperation, the mediator.
You thus greatly influence the contexts you are in with your clarity and your holistic view of the challenges. Never one-sided, always objectively nuanced. You must strive to always believe the best of other people and wish the best for everyone. To be honest in thought, action and word. Being diplomatic and tactful in your behavior.
What Life Lesson Number 2 tells you to learn must not be confused with humility or restraint.
Because of your clairvoyance and fairness, many will seek your advice and guidance. Trust your intuition and inner guides and don’t let humility or modesty stand in the way of you expressing or unfolding. Give others the advice and guidance they seek.
In connection with collaboration and groups, you will come into contact with the teachings you came to learn in this life. Success is therefore very likely.
All days that fall on a date with the 2’s own number. So the 2. 11. 20. or 29. Number 2-People should always seek to bring their ideas to fruition on these dates.
Birthday number 2 indicates that what you should be able to, or should express in life, may be characterized by the vibrations that the number 2 represents: Community, cooperation, diplomacy, the search for compromise, kindness and the desire to work well together with others.
When your name number is 2, this indicates that what you want to express in life is characterized by the vibrations that the number 2 represents:
Community, cooperation, diplomacy, the search for compromise, kindness and the desire to work well with others.
Your destiny is to be the tactful diplomat, the peacemaker, the link between individuals or groups of divergent opinions. Your role is to lead, but not in the outgoing role. Not as a figurehead, the external representative. More like the inner leading woman – man, without which the project, the compromise, would never have succeeded.
Your destiny may make you an ambassador of benevolence to foreign countries, thereby bringing untold prosperity to mankind. Use your inner “tact and tone diplomacy” to handle life’s difficult situations.
You should especially focus on developing the tools to act as the tactful diplomat, which first and foremost involves developing human knowledge.
By expanding this awareness, you can not only optimize your artistic possibilities, you can also advance your abilities as a mediator and as a good companion and companion. You should strive to become an integral part of any organization or group with which you come into contact.
With this vibration there is a danger of weakness, lack of attitude, over-sensitivity and over-sensitivity. Remember that in order to be something to others, you must be something to yourself first.
Therefore, take care of yourself and do not destroy your own integrity by being too lenient or making compromises that you cannot really vouch for. It is your clairvoyance and your great latent abilities as a respected master of compromise that need to be developed. Not your humility or your submission.
Impression number
You appear quiet and unassuming, seem to need peaceful surroundings where you live. You can appear hysterical with details. Tidiness and cleanliness are also important to you. Instead of making a grand entrance, you prefer to stay in the background, to work behind the scenes or to work in collaboration with others.
You are attractive to the opposite sex. This is partly due to your desires for companionship and harmony, which moves you to pamper others. You don’t like being alone. You can appear restless and dissatisfied with the conditions due to the mental balancing act that you exercise in any situation.
You may have difficulty making decisions because both sides are so clear to you. Occasionally you may show temper and use sharp words. You dress nicely and inconspicuously.
2 – THE PARTNER. This vibration requires community and is full of love, kindness and desires to work well with others. Danger of weakness and lack of attitude.
EXPANDING: You have a strong desire for peace and harmony. You are thoughtful and tactful, adaptable and kind. You follow more than you lead. Tact is a strong desire in your personality, which is why you can be a mediator or agent and help bring peace between conflicting forces.
You avoid hurting other people’s feelings by subordinating yourself to their will. As a result, you appear shy and lack confidence. Try to overcome indecision; when you hesitate, others may take the lead from you and claim what should be yours.
You must dare to do what you know is right and not let emotions weaken your intention. Your sensitivity can be positive when used to find the balancing forces in the universe and bring forth truth that helps all people gain understanding.
gets vibration from the 2 number
This means that in the early years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 2. This period is a difficult period of life for a young child, since it is suggested that emotions can become overwhelming and sensitivity to many things can be present.
On the positive side, such influence can be a support for developing any kind of artistic talent. This period of life may be one where you will be required to be helpful, supportive and generally more willing to adapt. A tendency to have emotional reactions to problems and confrontations can follow you into early adulthood.
gets vibration from the 2 number
This means that in the productive years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 2. This suggests that you will benefit from your ability to work with others in harmony and cooperation.
During these years, your skills used in diplomacy and mediation will become evident. The business and success of others can become the key to your own promotion. Pushing and pushing your own agenda is not going to work so well now. On the contrary, there is a need to control the hyperactive emotions that may arise from time to time.
gets vibration from the 2 number
This means that in the later years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 2. This indicates a good social old age with many friends and opportunities. Influences from the number 2 at this time will have to do with your ability to bring different opinions and ideas together. Friends, family and close relationships are most important to your happiness now. Having close connections is vital to your health and well-being in your later years.
You have to learn not to be so sensitive. Your challenge is that you are sometimes too sensitive and take things too personally. You have to stop doing that! You seem to have a tendency to spend a lot of energy thinking about what others think of you and your actions.
Stop wasting this energy. It is fine to be sensitive and considerate of others. considerate etc. But these qualities are not what you should put on the shelf either.
Your challenge is to tap into your sensitivity in a constructive way. To strengthen your intuition and to be aware of the energies around you. But stop thinking too much about whether you are good enough and about what others think of you.
The influence of number 2 is kindness, cooperation and harmony. The number 2 influences with patience and attention to detail. You are tactful, cooperative, with relatively little need for recognition.
Influenced by the number 2, most of your youth was spent being an oversensitive child who is easily hurt or offended. Early on you may experience difficulties with expression, both verbal and emotional. Your mother is likely to be the strongest influence in your life throughout this period.
With the influence of the number 2 on the second and third cusp, your achievements during this productive period of your life will largely depend on your ability to work with other people, promote harmony and show patience. In particular, note that success also depends on your ability to wait for credit, based on your contributions.
This last part of your life should be harmonious, whether you choose to retire or continue to work. The key to happiness will again be patience, tact and cooperation. will find it necessary to check a tendency to sensitivity.
Remember that house number 2 applies to all house numbers where the cross sum is 2, i.e. 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92, 101, etc.
2 houses add balance:
A 2nd house supports you in attracting creative energy, lots of fun, partying, entertainment. Here the energies from the number 2 really come into play: Love, gentleness, harmony, diplomacy, tact, rhythm, music, cooperation, social.
2 houses contribute to imbalance:
If the people in the house are out of balance, the 2nd vibration will be able to swing over to the negative side. Laziness, overly emotional, boredom, closed-mindedness, the feeling of being paralyzed.
It will be best for you to live in a house number that has energies that help you achieve your desires, dreams, longings. According to numerology, these should revolve around your Life Lesson, as this is your basic destiny, what you came into this life to learn – and the sooner you learn these lessons, the better and happier life you will have .
Your best house number holds energies that support you in fulfilling your basic destiny. Supporting you to learn the lessons your life lessons dictate. If you have already learned these lessons – and are looking to expand your life in a different direction – a different house number will be more advantageous for you. You can see what the individual house numbers contribute in terms of energy by clicking on the numbers.
If there are several of you in the household, the best house number will be the one that best supports you together – Read more

Type: Artist
Planet: Jupiter
Letters: C-L-U
1 Persontype
1 Name number
1 Consonant Number
1 Vowel number
1 Life lesson number
1 Lucky Dates
1 Birthday number
1 Lifeperiods
1 Challenges
1 Highlights
1 Abundance number
1 Focus Number
1 House number
No. 2
2 Persontype
2 Name number
2 Consonant Number
2 Vowel number
2 Life lesson number
2 Lucky Dates
2 Birthday number
2 Lifeperiods
2 Challenges
2 Highlights
2 Abundance number
2 Focus Number
2 House number
No. 3
3 Persontype
3 Name number
3 Consonant Number
3 Vowel number
3 Life lesson number
3 Lucky Dates
3 Birthday number
3 Lifeperiods
3 Challenges
3 Highlights
3 Abundance number
3 Focus Number
3 House number
No. 4
4 Persontype
4 Name number
4 Consonant Number
4 Vowel number
4 Life lesson number
4 Lucky Dates
4 Birthday number
4 Lifeperiods
4 Challenges
4 Highlights
4 Abundance number
4 Focus Number
4 House number
No. 5
5 Persontype
5 Name number
5 Consonant Number
5 Vowel number
5 Life lesson number
5 Lucky Dates
5 Birthday number
5 Lifeperiods
5 Challenges
5 Highlights
5 Abundance number
5 Focus Number
5 House number
No. 6
6 Persontype
6 Name number
6 Consonant Number
6 Vowel number
6 Life lesson number
6 Lucky Dates
6 Birthday number
6 Lifeperiods
6 Challenges
6 Highlights
6 Abundance number
6 Focus Number
6 House number
No. 7
7 Persontype
7 Name number
7 Consonant Number
7 Vowel number
7 Life lesson number
7 Lucky Dates
7 Birthday number
7 Lifeperiods
7 Challenges
7 Highlights
7 Abundance number
7 Focus Number
7 House number
No. 8
8 Persontype
8 Name number
8 Consonant Number
8 Vowel number
8 Life lesson number
8 Lucky Dates
8 Birthday number
8 Lifeperiods
8 Challenges
8 Highlights
8 Abundance number
8 Focus Number
8 House number
No. 9
9 Persontype
9 Name number
9 Consonant Number
9 Vowel number
9 Life lesson number
9 Lucky Dates
9 Birthday number
9 Lifeperiods
9 Challenges
9 Highlights
9 Abundance number
9 Focus Number
9 House number
No. 11
No. 22
No. 33
The Romantic, Individualist, Creator, Artist – 3 is the number of performing arts, you are an artist. You love life, enjoy social contact, entertainment and new experiences. Your bright enterprising nature shines like the sun to warm the lives of others, and your ease with people draws them towards you like a magnet.
You will always have many worshippers. You are a highly expressive person and you need to develop your skill with words and the art of conversation. You can influence others through your ability to communicate about life in a bombastic way.
You have talents that you need to develop and practice in entertainment and communication. Travel is likely to be a significant part of your life as you need to be involved in many discoveries and explore new opportunities.
Your diverse interests make you broad-minded and open-minded. You like to be on stage, to entertain and live the good life. Recognition is important to you as you need to know that you are valued.
The number 3 symbolizes Jupiter, a planet that plays an important role in astrology and numerology. It forms the beginning of the main line that passes through the numbers from 1 to 9. It has a special connection with every third number in the Series: 3, 6 and 9. Taken together, however they are added together, they give 9 as the final result, and all 3, 6 and 9 people harmonize with each other.
Artistic expression, joy of life, optimism, inspiration, imagination, sociability, friendliness. As a positive 3, you will get many auspicious opportunities through people who are very eager to help you in any way imaginable. Your luck is derived from your positive, outgoing attitude, which causes people to want to help you.
You will radiate creative energy, elegance, liveliness and a natural attraction. You are good at expressing yourself. You may have developed your communication skills by training yourself in the art of speaking through performance, through lectures, foreign languages, etc. so that you may have made an impact on the lives of others.
You have developed a positive, optimistic attitude to life and spread enthusiasm and sunshine wherever you go. You consider socializing and entertainment necessary in your life. Travel, expanding your awareness and exploring new possibilities are part of you.
Dilettantism, concern, extravagance, vanity, superficiality. Jealousy, extravagance, hypocrisy, intolerant. A negative 3 does everything on an excessive scale – eats, drinks, loves and lives. You can be overly self-indulgent, and extravagance can be your downfall.
You tend to overplay and exaggerate situations and turn mosquitoes into elephants. Friendships will then be superficial. You may be trying to avoid responsibility and live in the moment. As a 3, you should learn not to spread yourself over too much and become superficial. Which is a big challenge with all your many talents and interests. You must contest at least one of your talents to full.
Abundance number is the number that appears the most times in your numerological profile. As the highest representation in the calculation, it indicates areas that you already master and you can consider whether you should move the energy to areas where your data shows less representation.
Few 3 in the numerological profile shows limited emotional expression, difficulty in making language flow freely, lack of ability to to get ahead, inferiority complex.
The life lesson that you have undertaken in this life directed towards learning how to express your energy in writing, speech, entertainment or art. You need to express yourself, to manifest yourself and to see the results of your work.
Life lesson number 3 combines the dare from Life lesson number 1; The individual, with the caution from Life Lesson Number 2; The partner.
Life lesson number 3 tells that whatever you do in life you should develop and use your creative and artistic talents. You must learn to be the artist of life and be sincere about the fact that you contain latent exceptional creative abilities in text, speech, teaching or other forms of expression.
You must allow this urge to create to be expressed and you must allow yourself to manifest yourself in some unique expression. In this life you must learn to be the artist.
In this development there is a natural danger that you become so excited about life and the many opportunities there are to let yourself be expressed in it that the expression becomes superficial and stilted. This especially if you don’t remember to specialize and immerse yourself. This can be a tough task for people with Life Lesson Number 3, as they, with their inner longing to express themselves, are always on the lookout for new inspiration.
These people are not suitable for routine work. They need to explore life and therefore sometimes find it difficult to stay focused and follow things all the way through. Most often, people with Life Lesson Number 3 are very aware of this danger, and they are often the first to criticize themselves for a lack of depth or meaning in what they have produced, whether this is a picture, a book, a lecture or a completely different expression.
This sometimes leads to periods of severe mood swings. From the sad melancholy, withdrawal to the total optimism and extroversion.
What you have to learn in this life is to let your creativity manifest itself. This can have many expressions. You can write, lecture, teach or find your niche in journalism. be inventor, artist. You are at your best in intellectual, artistic or creative fields.
All days that fall on a date with the 3’s own number. So the 3. 12. 21. or 30. Number 3-People should always seek to bring their ideas to fruition on these dates.
When your birthday number is 3, this indicates that what you can, or should express in life, may be characterized by the vibrations that the number 3 represents: Problem solving, quick solutions, intuitive thinking, thinking “outside the box”, the artist, the coach who uplifts and inspires others.
When your name number is 3, this indicates that what you want to express in life is characterized by the vibrations that the number 3 represents:
The artist who lets his energy be expressed in writing, speech, entertainment, art, etc.
It is your destiny in this life to be the inspirer, the motivator, someone who uplifts and inspires others. Be sincere about your latent exceptional creative abilities in text, speech, teaching or other form of expression. You should let your creativity manifest itself.
This can have many expressions. You can write, lecture, teach or find your niche in journalism. be inventor, artist. You are at your best in intellectual, artistic or creative fields.
In this life you must express yourself as the artist. In this development there is a natural danger that you become so excited about life and the many opportunities there are to let yourself be expressed in it that the expression becomes superficial and stilted. This especially if you don’t remember to specialize and immerse yourself.
This can be a tough task for people with Life Lesson Number 3, as they, with their inner longing to express themselves, are always on the lookout for new inspiration. These people are not suitable for routine work. They need to explore life and therefore sometimes find it difficult to stay focused.
Do not waste your energies in too many directions at once so as to postpone the completion of a valuable destiny. You should promote friendship among your equals by being a friend when a friend is wanted. You spread joy and sunshine through your ability to express yourself.
You are charming, friendly and sociable. You have an attractive demeanor and prefer beards and trouble. Loyalty and honesty reinforce your idealistic nature. Communication is an important part of your personality and you have a direct way of expressing yourself.
You are a keen conversational partner. You are like the sun that illuminates the world of those you meet. Spreading sunshine and optimism wherever you go. Others naturally gather around your warmth. Your clothing style is like the artist’s – varied and sometimes a bit sloppy, but always with a kind of sophistication.
3 – THE ARTIST. The number shows a need for communication and can let its energy be expressed in writing, speech, entertainment or art. Danger of excessive speaking skills and lack of concentration.
EXPANDING: You are very conscientious. You are aware of the law surrounding the Trinity. You know that inspiration and imagination will bring the best results when used to help others. This can easily become your life philosophy. Follow your prompting to create and expand the activities that interest you. You seek happiness and find it by making others happy. If a person is feeling depressed, a visit from you will bring him hope and encouragement.
Expand your ideals by making yourself an expression of good humor and optimism. Work to make your dreams come true, but not to the extreme of being unrealistic. Love is important to you, both giving and receiving. But try to stick to realities in your loving embrace. You become happy and comfortable by making others happy.
gets vibration from 3
This means that in the early years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 3. And since the vibrations contained in the number 3 are faith in yourself and your own, this will manifest itself in the following way:
This period is a brilliant period of life for a young person because of its tendency towards the development of your expression. Any talent you may have in terms of creative or artistic ability will be encouraged during this period.
You will find it easy to make friends and to enjoy social interactions or company. Enjoy life – that’s the tune of this life period. But be careful not to spread your activities to such an extent that you will not succeed in making progress in anything.
gets vibration from 3
This means that in the productive years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 3.
This means that in the productive years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 3. This period tends to be a very pleasant, carefree and creative time in your life. Being original and using your talents for creative expression will be conducive to your career and life in general.
If there is a pitfall during this time it would be that you tend to become too optimistic and extravagant and that you spread your talents too much. In general, however, it is a period that offers a lot of happiness, for just a minimum of planning and concentration.
gets vibration from 3
This means that in the later years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 3. Which will result in the following way:
A 3 number period late in life suggests an active social life with numerous hobbies and activities. If you are a creative person, this late period of life can be your most fruitful and productive. In fact, this could be the perfect time to write that book you’ve been thinking about, or perhaps the time to learn a new way of expressing yourself, or simply just the time to let your imagination run wild. Enjoy it, during this period it is going to be easy and comfortable.
Your challenge is to learn to stay focused. You are obviously bad at spreading your thoughts and tasks in many different directions and thus not really getting into anything in depth. This has nothing to do only with the fact that you end up not really mastering some things to the core and therefore become a beautiful rootless in your nature.
Because where is your real foundation when you can do a little bit of everything? But it also has something to do with your presence towards others. It is burdensome to be in the company of another person who is not really present. To meet this challenge, it might be helpful for you to start meditating.
The general effect of having number 3 as a highlight is light, enjoyable activities. Travel, social activities, friends and entertainment are very much a part of your life under the influence of the number 3.
This is a difficult number to handle as a first highlight because although there may be many opportunities to develop artistic or creative potential, you may not recognize them or be willing to work as hard as may be necessary to develop these opportunities.
There is a tendency to scatter energies and work on the wrong ideas. You might be too busy having fun to worry about the future. Any latent artistic or creative talents are likely to be revealed now.
With the influence of number 3 on the second and third cusp, responsibilities and achievements come to be highly dependent on social behavior and general influence. This major can provide opportunities to write, speak, design, or otherwise participate in the entertainment industry. Imagination and emotions are stimulated.
There is good opportunity for a lot of travel, social activity and entertainment. This transit usually promises freedom from financial worry in later years. Although there is a tendency to laze and relax, this is a time when you can be at your creative best.
Remember that house number 3 applies to all house numbers where the cross sum is 3, i.e. 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75, 84, 93, 102, etc.
3 house balance:
Success, luck, prosperity, career expansion, good family life, traditional virtues. A 3rd house supports you in having intellectual and strategic clarity. An energy which at the same time has lots of warmth, honesty and openness as well as good vibrations for a stable family life.
3 house imbalance:
If the people in the house are out of balance, the 3rd vibration will be able to swing over to the negative side. Everything looks fine on the surface, but you are out of touch with each other, power struggles, black and white attitudes, taking up too much space and fighting for status.
It will be best for you to live in a house number that has energies that help you achieve your desires, dreams, longings. According to numerology, these should revolve around your Life Lesson, as this is your basic destiny, what you came into this life to learn – and the sooner you learn these lessons, the better and happier life you will have .
Your best house number holds energies that support you in fulfilling your basic destiny. Supporting you to learn the lessons your life lessons dictate. If you have already learned these lessons – and are looking to expand your life in a different direction – a different house number will be more advantageous for you. You can see what the individual house numbers contribute in terms of energy by clicking on the numbers.
If there are several of you in the household, the best house number will be the one that best supports you together – Read more

Type: Skeptic
Planet: Uranus
Letters: D-M-V
1 Persontype
1 Name number
1 Consonant Number
1 Vowel number
1 Life lesson number
1 Lucky Dates
1 Birthday number
1 Lifeperiods
1 Challenges
1 Highlights
1 Abundance number
1 Focus Number
1 House number
No. 2
2 Persontype
2 Name number
2 Consonant Number
2 Vowel number
2 Life lesson number
2 Lucky Dates
2 Birthday number
2 Lifeperiods
2 Challenges
2 Highlights
2 Abundance number
2 Focus Number
2 House number
No. 3
3 Persontype
3 Name number
3 Consonant Number
3 Vowel number
3 Life lesson number
3 Lucky Dates
3 Birthday number
3 Lifeperiods
3 Challenges
3 Highlights
3 Abundance number
3 Focus Number
3 House number
No. 4
4 Persontype
4 Name number
4 Consonant Number
4 Vowel number
4 Life lesson number
4 Lucky Dates
4 Birthday number
4 Lifeperiods
4 Challenges
4 Highlights
4 Abundance number
4 Focus Number
4 House number
No. 5
5 Persontype
5 Name number
5 Consonant Number
5 Vowel number
5 Life lesson number
5 Lucky Dates
5 Birthday number
5 Lifeperiods
5 Challenges
5 Highlights
5 Abundance number
5 Focus Number
5 House number
No. 6
6 Persontype
6 Name number
6 Consonant Number
6 Vowel number
6 Life lesson number
6 Lucky Dates
6 Birthday number
6 Lifeperiods
6 Challenges
6 Highlights
6 Abundance number
6 Focus Number
6 House number
No. 7
7 Persontype
7 Name number
7 Consonant Number
7 Vowel number
7 Life lesson number
7 Lucky Dates
7 Birthday number
7 Lifeperiods
7 Challenges
7 Highlights
7 Abundance number
7 Focus Number
7 House number
No. 8
8 Persontype
8 Name number
8 Consonant Number
8 Vowel number
8 Life lesson number
8 Lucky Dates
8 Birthday number
8 Lifeperiods
8 Challenges
8 Highlights
8 Abundance number
8 Focus Number
8 House number
No. 9
9 Persontype
9 Name number
9 Consonant Number
9 Vowel number
9 Life lesson number
9 Lucky Dates
9 Birthday number
9 Lifeperiods
9 Challenges
9 Highlights
9 Abundance number
9 Focus Number
9 House number
No. 11
No. 22
No. 33
Skeptic, Realist, Loyalist, Devil’s Advocate – The number four represents stability and people with many four numbers in their numerological profile are hardworking and usually very good at their jobs. They are often detail-oriented and have high self-discipline and concentration.
It is the honest and hardworking type who respects values and diligence. Their natural, cautious, industrious nature makes them insist that finances must be organized.
Because of this penchant for frugality, practical sense and sound economy, they have order in financial matters and quietly build up a small fortune most of the time.
With their stable rather conventional nature, they can sometimes come across as cold and serious. It is not the type that spontaneously bursts into song in the open street. There is not much intuition and enthusiasm behind their actions.
On the other hand, they are very trust-inspiring. You know where they stand in all matters and feel that any collaboration will be treated seriously. They take everything seriously, whether it’s business or love, and can therefore implement big visions in a planned, practical way. They display a determined, self-disciplined and practical work-oriented attitude to the world.
The number four represents the four seasons, the four corners of the compass and the elements; earth, fire, water, air. The number is also associated with the tangible results of a creative process, the concrete, ability to act rationally.
Practical, systematic, well organized, endurance, loyalty, diligence, patience.
As a positive four, you have the ability to build a useful world through common sense, where your hard work and patient perseverance will benefit others in a tangible way. You have your own emotions, your friends and family relationships in order. You have your finances in order and radiate security and stability.
Narrow-mindedness, fastidiousness, stinginess, rigidity, strictness, oppression, dullness. Hatred, jealousy, resistance, inhumanity, destruction, ruthlessness.
A negative four can be a workaholic whose harsh and spiritless expression makes life a drudgery. You can be stingy, unkind and alone, bounded by safe walls that you build yourself and that protect you from the outside world, but also prevent you from enjoying the friendship of others. This person feels bounded and under restrictions, due to a terrible need for security.
Abundance number is the number that appears the most times in your numerological profile. As the highest representation in the calculation, it indicates areas that you already master and you can consider whether you should move the energy to areas where your data shows less representation.
Many 4s in the numerological profile show concentration, sense of values, fondness for form, willingness to work and great practical sense.
Focus number is the number that appears the fewest times in your numerological profile. The focus number indicates with its smallest representation in the calculation that you should consider whether you can draw energy to these areas.
Few 4in the numerological profile shows aversion to work, impatience, aversion to routine.
The life lesson that you have undertaken in this life aimed at learning to work constructively, systematically and efficiently. And although this does not immediately sound like the funnest life task to have, it is now not so bad. It is not so much hard work in itself that you have to learn – although that is also part of it. What you need to learn is all the joys that come out of work.
These can be divided into two parts. The first is the joy of the process of working and the second is the joy of the result of what the work brings.
Look first at the process, then you must learn that the work process itself can be fruitful. You must learn the joy of work in itself and see it as the result in itself. This requires you to learn to immerse yourself. Without immersion, no empathy and without empathy, no passion.
You must also learn to take pride in your work. If you do your work in a sloppy, superficial way, you won’t learn the feeling of producing a result you can be proud of.
In addition, it also requires that you learn to proceed systematically and constructively. You must learn to approach every work task with the same respect as a monk shows for the understanding prayer, by various preparation rituals before the actual prayer is performed. You must learn to be in the work with the same concentration as the monk in his prayer.
It can be of great help to you to build systematic rules of procedure to follow some kind of routine, ritual or administrative system. As well as working with your ability to concentrate and manage your energies.
The second thing you have to learn is the joy of what work brings, creates opportunities for.
The joy you experience when you look at your car after polishing it all Sunday or the joy of a thoroughly cleaned home after a hard day’s scrubbing and scrubbing in every nook and cranny. These joys are not the same if others have done the work for you. You become attached to your bike when you have polished or patched it, but until this point occurs it is just a bike that you ride around on.
When you get things as a gift or generally have not worked to achieve them, the joy of them is not nearly as great as if you have made an effort. you can of course be happy about a cleaned home if you have chosen to put your energy elsewhere and pay off from it. But then you have also indirectly worked for it.
So what you have to learn is the joy of the work creating something. It can be a result in itself – a house is built, a book is written, a report is finished – or it can be an indirect result in the form of money.
This can be expressed as learning the value of money, but it is not quite comprehensive because what you have to learn is more than that. You must learn to appreciate yourself as a creative mind who achieves a result through concentration, systematicity and diligence.
With such a task, you are in danger of appearing too serious and cold to the world around you, and your task is also not to appear as a dedicated workaholic – but as a workhorse – whose joy at work can rub off on and inspire others.
You have to be careful not to become too bureaucratic, dogmatic and narrow-minded, which can block creativity. You must also take care that your effective daily routines do not come to dominate your life and take control to such an extent that you miss chances and opportunities that come your way.
All days that fall on a date with the 4’s own number. So the 4. 13. 22. or 31. Number 4-People should always seek to bring their ideas to fruition on these dates.
When your birthday number is 4, this indicates that what you can, or should express in life, may be characterized by the vibrations that the number 4 represents: Process-oriented, detail-oriented, stable, systematic, efficient, willingness to work and great practical sense.
When your name number is 4, this indicates that what you want to express in life is characterized by the vibrations that the number 4 represents:
The workhorse who expresses himself through his work, Nothing of value is avoided, everything is achieved and there are good opportunities to get every detail with sufficient self-discipline and concentration.
Your destiny is to create tangible and useful products. You need to see what you have built. You are latently skilled at systematizing, organizing and following a work task to completion in a structured manner.
Your thinking world is well structured and can handle your special engagements effectively. You radiate the quality of stability. As a result, others will help you get the job done efficiently and safely.
Your key words are impatience, honesty, determination and confidentiality. You require obedience within the family and self-denial to fulfill duties, whether actual or imagined. Your sure sense of what is valuable makes you dislike mediocrity. You know that what is worth having is also worth working for or waiting for.
With such a task, you are in danger of appearing too serious and cold to the world around you, and your task is also not to appear as a dedicated workaholic – but as a workhorse – whose joy at work can rub off on and inspire others.
You have to be careful not to become too bureaucratic, dogmatic and narrow-minded, which can block creativity. You must also take care that your effective daily routines do not come to dominate your life and take control to such an extent that you miss chances and opportunities that come your way. You will have to occasionally be aware of the larger context in which your work is part of, in order to also catch the messages that are meant for you there.
You appear conservative, self-disciplined and practical. You display a determined, work-oriented attitude to the world.
You want an orderly existence through which your capacity for physical and mental expression will produce traditional and useful results. You are the honest and hardworking type who respects values and diligence. You like your life, the earth, nature and the country.You can appear so disciplined that there is no time for banter, which can isolate you from others. Excessively cautious and moderate, you can become defensive and sharp. Immaturity and bad temper can further remove you from social contacts or, as an opposite reaction, you can appear completely undisciplined and lazy.
4 – THE WORKHORSE (The Skeptic). Nothing of value is avoided, everything is achieved and there are good opportunities to get every detail with sufficient self-discipline and concentration. Danger of becoming cold and severe.
Elaborating: You are practical. A character trait that can bring you material success. Your practical facilities permeate your entire life. Others may use your well-organized life program as the norm.
Your loyalty, balance and reliability mean a lot to those around you. They know where you stand in all matters and feel that any cooperation with you will be treated seriously. You take everything seriously, whether it’s business or love, and can therefore realize your dreams in a planned, practical way.
gets vibration from 4
This means that in the early years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 4. Life period 4 is not very fun for a young person. It suggests that learning is difficult or that the requirements you have been given to learn are strict and burdensome for you.
Now you have to build a solid foundation since the challenge here is about learning practical work, order, and routines. Often this period can suggest growing up with limited resources or restrictions of some kind. The demands made during this period will often set the stage for later success.
gets vibration from 4
This means that in the productive years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 4. During this period, it is time to build and develop ideas into something you can touch and feel.
Now is the time for you to become better organized, and maybe even a more stable and secure person. Your judgments and decisions tend to become more conservative and practical and they are based on careful, more thoughtful and serious planning.
You will tend to be serious about your work and may also want to devote more time to it. Be careful not to become a workaholic. With the influence of the number 4 on this period of life, you must constantly remind yourself to take time to smell the roses too!
gets vibration from 4
This means that in the later years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 4. This means that the third period of life is probably more characterized by work than by retirement and withdrawal.
Whether by choice or necessity, you’ll tend to grind it out and keep your irons in the fire much longer than most. Even if you were to retire, you’ll want to keep working on hobbies and side jobs long after others have chosen the rocking chair instead.
Your challenge is obviously that you are a bit of a work-shy individual. Either you simply don’t like working or you have trouble completing tasks and working efficiently. You may be unstructured and impractical in nature. Your challenge is to become a good worker in any case.
This may also include the challenge of learning to work under time pressure. Whatever it is that causes you to sometimes seem to have problems delivering results, your challenge is to overcome these obstacles – remember that it is often not about working harder to achieve results – it is more often about work in a smarter way.
Which often involves taking the time to think about what it is you are trying to achieve in terms of results and how, as well as working with something you care about.
The general influence of No. 4 on the highlights is a practical, realistic approach to life. There are vibrations around order, system, organization. Hard work and targeted effort are on the agenda.
However, this is a positive trend. The number 4 thus influences that you really enjoy working hard and have an emotional need for work.
With the 4 influence in your first cusp, this can be a demanding period where you are obliged to work due to financial circumstances or where you are highly motivated in your pursuit of good education. In either case, you may not be as active in normal youth activities because of your work schedule.
With the number 4 second or third cusp, your ability to get ahead and achieve will undoubtedly be directly linked to your ability to cope with the competition. This will be a period of building and steady growth.
The general influence of No. 4 on the Highlights is a practical, realistic approach to life. This requires order, system and organization. You will have energies that encourage you to work hard, be purposeful, conscientious, reliable, stable.
With number 4 as the fourth cusp, the desire to retreat or slow down is not likely to be fulfilled. You are not the type who wants to relax and enjoy leisure activities. It is important to work and feel the sense of achievement.
Remember that house number 4 applies to all house numbers where the cross sum is 4, i.e. 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76, 85, 94, 103, etc.
4 house balance:
Innovation, ideas, profundity, balance between stability and growth/change, peace and quiet, contemplation, inner growth. Here you get a profound, peaceful, thoughtful and deeply original energy. An energy that gives you new ideas, stimulates you to find new inventions and think deeply about reality.
4 house imbalance:
If the people in the house are out of balance, the 4th vibration will be able to swing over to the negative side. Instability, unpleasant changes, the carpet being pulled out from under you, you never really feel at home, you don’t fit into the neighborhood, you constantly move the furniture around or are unhappy with the home, you feel lonely and isolated
It will be best for you to live in a house number that has energies that help you achieve your desires, dreams, longings. According to numerology, these should revolve around your Life Lesson, as this is your basic destiny, what you came into this life to learn – and the sooner you learn these lessons, the better and happier life you will have.
Your best house number holds energies that support you in fulfilling your basic destiny. Supporting you to learn the lessons your life lessons dictate. If you have already learned these lessons – and are looking to expand your life in a different direction – a different house number will be more advantageous for you. You can see what the individual house numbers contribute in terms of energy by clicking on the numbers.If there are several of you in the household, the best house number will be the one that best supports you together – Read more

Type: Citizen of the world
Planet: Mercury
Letters: E-N-W
1 Persontype
1 Name number
1 Consonant Number
1 Vowel number
1 Life lesson number
1 Lucky Dates
1 Birthday number
1 Lifeperiods
1 Challenges
1 Highlights
1 Abundance number
1 Focus Number
1 House number
No. 2
2 Persontype
2 Name number
2 Consonant Number
2 Vowel number
2 Life lesson number
2 Lucky Dates
2 Birthday number
2 Lifeperiods
2 Challenges
2 Highlights
2 Abundance number
2 Focus Number
2 House number
No. 3
3 Persontype
3 Name number
3 Consonant Number
3 Vowel number
3 Life lesson number
3 Lucky Dates
3 Birthday number
3 Lifeperiods
3 Challenges
3 Highlights
3 Abundance number
3 Focus Number
3 House number
No. 4
4 Persontype
4 Name number
4 Consonant Number
4 Vowel number
4 Life lesson number
4 Lucky Dates
4 Birthday number
4 Lifeperiods
4 Challenges
4 Highlights
4 Abundance number
4 Focus Number
4 House number
No. 5
5 Persontype
5 Name number
5 Consonant Number
5 Vowel number
5 Life lesson number
5 Lucky Dates
5 Birthday number
5 Lifeperiods
5 Challenges
5 Highlights
5 Abundance number
5 Focus Number
5 House number
No. 6
6 Persontype
6 Name number
6 Consonant Number
6 Vowel number
6 Life lesson number
6 Lucky Dates
6 Birthday number
6 Lifeperiods
6 Challenges
6 Highlights
6 Abundance number
6 Focus Number
6 House number
No. 7
7 Persontype
7 Name number
7 Consonant Number
7 Vowel number
7 Life lesson number
7 Lucky Dates
7 Birthday number
7 Lifeperiods
7 Challenges
7 Highlights
7 Abundance number
7 Focus Number
7 House number
No. 8
8 Persontype
8 Name number
8 Consonant Number
8 Vowel number
8 Life lesson number
8 Lucky Dates
8 Birthday number
8 Lifeperiods
8 Challenges
8 Highlights
8 Abundance number
8 Focus Number
8 House number
No. 9
9 Persontype
9 Name number
9 Consonant Number
9 Vowel number
9 Life lesson number
9 Lucky Dates
9 Birthday number
9 Lifeperiods
9 Challenges
9 Highlights
9 Abundance number
9 Focus Number
9 House number
No. 11
No. 22
No. 33
Adventurers, Citizens of the World, Creators of Ideas, Enjoyers of Life, Multitaskers, Gypsies – Numerologically, the number 5 represents the union of personal creativity (number 3) and ambivalence/emotions (number 2) as well as the individual’s experience of the world through the senses (numbers 1 and 4).
Experiments with life to the extreme and cannot submit to routine tasks. Danger of extremes of all kinds when it comes to vices/desires.
People with the number five are said to love change for its own sake and enjoy gambling, travel and risky ventures. The adventurer demands the right to freedom and will not allow any limitation of his ideals or ways of thinking.
Variety in self-expression is absolutely essential. Without the stimulus of change and new opportunities, you will feel lethargic and indifferent. If you feel that you are becoming too routine, a trip, new clothes or a vacation can change the vibrations for the better and open new paths for continued inner growth.
You are good at conversation, quick, bubbly and witty, and will therefore have a lot of contact with many people. You are attractive to the opposite sex and possess a strong emotional appetite. You like constant activity, variety and change. You have a natural curiosity and also take chances.
You cannot be contained, and your restless, adventurous nature compels you to travel physically, mentally or spiritually. Versatile, gifted, highly creative and agile; you can do what you really want to do. You are extremely efficient, but dislike monotonous work and cannot stand routine jobs. You function well as long as the problem or focal point of concentration has your interest.
Freedom, versatility, variety, adaptability, life experience, independence, sociability. As a constructive number 5, you can go to the heights and to the depths without injury.
There are no limits to what you can do if your actions are guided by reason rather than emotion. You have learned to adapt to change and to be versatile. You have a developed freedom within you – physically, mentally and spiritually, so that the more adventurous side of your nature expresses itself.
You travel and interact with many different types of people, so that your own perspective in life develops and broadens. You have a well-developed awareness and learned to communicate effectively with others. Your consciousness is your greatest resource and is used to the utmost.
Irresponsibility, indifference, laxity, inconsistent, excessive use of stimulants, demands immediate gratification, spinelessness, immorality.
A negative 5é is out in the extremes and thus a danger to himself and his surroundings. Life is lived constantly in the overtaking lane and there are often changes for the sake of change. The lack of control means that people go in too many directions at once and this often results in a person who can do everything and nothing at the same time.
Abundance number is the number that appears the most times in your numerological profile. As the highest representation in the calculation, it indicates areas that you already master and you can consider whether you should move the energy to areas where your data shows less representation.
Many 5s in the numerological profile shows a fondness for change, social opportunities, chance for public publicity, nervousness, haste, impulsiveness, ingenuity, tendency to tear down and build up.
Focus number is the number that appears the fewest times in your numerological profile. The focus number indicates with its smallest representation in the calculation that you should consider whether you can draw energy to these areas.
Few 5 in the numerological profile shows aversion to crowds, lack of constructive curiosity, limited life experience.
When your Life Lesson number is 5, the life lesson you have undertaken in this life is aimed at experiencing freedom. You need to learn to adapt to change and become more versatile. You must develop your freedom, physically, mentally and spiritually, so that the more adventurous side of your nature can express itself.
You need to travel and deal with many different types of people, so that your own perspective in life can be developed and broadened. You need to develop your awareness and learn to communicate effectively with others. Your consciousness is your greatest resource and must be utilized to the utmost.
You are here to experience the value of freedom and should not bind yourself too tightly. You should seek and experience the right to freedom, free rein and allow no limitation of your ideals or ways of thinking.
You have to learn freedom, which naturally comes down to experimenting with life to the extreme. In this development lies a natural danger of extremes of all kinds.
A yielder on the physical level when it comes to vices, desires, which can result in excessive use of drugs, alcohol, sex, food, etc. Or a permissive on the mental level, which can result in untrustworthiness, lack of concentration and that you go in too many directions at once and thereby become the jack of all trades / woman who really does not master anything.
Your challenge is thus also to manage your exploration of the concept of freedom, so that it does not become an obstacle to you being able to maintain a normal life and live up to your obligations as a spouse, employee, parent, etc.
Freedom in consciousness is the focal point of what you must learn in this life.
This development is stimulated in many ways, but above all by the fact that you constantly seek challenges for your consciousness yourself and put it to the test and work. You should consciously refuse to be bound by old orders or worn-out ideas and accepted principles.
You should be open to new concepts and new ways of understanding relationships. You should avoid a monotonous, routine life and instead ensure renewal in your life by, for example, remembering to travel, buy new clothes, read new books, familiarize yourself with new subjects, etc.
All days that fall on a date with the 5’s own number. So the 5. 14. or 23. Number 5-People should always seek to bring their ideas to fruition on these dates.
When your birthday number is 5, this indicates that what you can, or should express in life, may be characterized by the vibrations that the number 5 represents: Experimenting with life to the extreme and cannot submit to routine tasks. Danger of extremes of all kinds when it comes to vices/desires.
When your name number is 5, this indicates that what you want to express in life is characterized by the vibrations that the number 5 represents:
Experiments with life to the extreme, thrives on change. Freedom in consciousness is the focal point for the way you should express yourself in this life.
You should seek and experience the right to freedom, free rein and allow no limitation of your ideals or ways of thinking. You should express freedom, which is naturally up to experimenting with existence to the extreme. In this development lies a natural danger of extremes of all kinds.
A yielder on the physical level when it comes to vices/lusts, which can result in excessive use of drugs, alcohol, sex, food, etc. And/or a permissive on the mental level, which can result in untrustworthiness, lack of concentration and that you go in too many directions at once and thereby become the jack of all trades / woman who is not really a master of anything.
Your challenge is to manage your exploration of the concept of freedom so that it does not become an obstacle for you to be able to maintain a normal life and live up to your obligations as a spouse, employee, parent, etc.
You come across as the free, carefree soul who shows an exuberant interest in life. You are good at conversation, quick, bubbly and witty, and will therefore have a lot of contact with many people.
You radiate a protective vibration and a sense of responsibility for others. People are drawn to you for counselling, teaching and healing as you have a maternal or paternal aspect that provides reassurance and security.
You are attractive to the opposite sex and possess a strong emotional appetite. Because change and freedom are so important, there can be rapid shifts in your relationships.
You like constant activity, variety and change and believe that change is progress. You should be able to do what you want, when you want it, and in the way you want it in order to utilize your full capacity.
You are optimistic, cheerful. You love beauty and all things associated with art. You have a fine sense of balance and symmetry, and can therefore see all things in isolation and as part of the whole. A societal consciousness encourages you to seek truth and justice.
You have a natural curiosity and accordingly also take chances. Exaggeration in social change and desire for emotional satisfaction can lead to extremes in food, alcohol, drugs or sexual contacts. You then become fickle, restless and unreliable.
5 – ADVENTURES. Experiments with life to the extreme and cannot submit to routine tasks. Danger of extremes of all kinds when it comes to vices/desires.
EXPANDING: You demand the right to freedom and will not allow any limitation of your ideals or ways of thinking. Variety in self-expression is absolutely essential. Without the stimulus of change and new opportunities, you will feel lethargic and indifferent.
Travel is one of your soul’s desires, as you believe it is educational and developmental. Short-sightedness cannot be tolerated. If you feel that you are becoming too routine, a trip, new clothes or a vacation can change the vibrations for the better and open new paths for continued inner growth.
gets vibration from 5
This means that in the early years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 5. A period under the influence of the number 5 early in life can be difficult because it often lacks the stability and security that one might wish for. This period often offers change and emphasizes freedom of thought and action.
You will probably be constantly looking for something new, something exciting, to stimulate your expansive mind. During this period you will take on the role of explorer and wanderer woman.
Whether this is a positive or negative character trait only time can tell. In any case, you are guided by curiosity and adventure. A restless nature.
gets vibration from 5
This means that in the productive years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 5. During this period, you are ready to accept change, progress, and new ideas. At the same time, you are quick, sometimes too quick, to dump the old; old jobs, old activities and old relationships.
Sometimes this is good, sometimes this is not so good. In any case, this period suggests that you are more impulsive now and the test will be to see if you can constructively handle the increased freedom that you are pursuing. If you can do this, you will find that this is a period which can and should produce extraordinary results.
gets vibration from 5
This means that in the later years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 5. With the number 5 in your third life period, you must be prepared for adventure and extensive travel as long as resources allow.
Many with a late 5 figure period choose to continue working. As long as the work is not boring or routine, there is no reason to leave it. This influence will keep sending you out into the world to find new challenges and try new things.
The challenge is to balance your impulsiveness, desire for freedom and desire for variety on one scale – with responsibility and obligations on the other.
You obviously have a challenge in that you run away from problems and generally avoid major commitments.
It’s fine that you thrive on variety and your challenge is definitely not to tame or extinguish your sense of adventure. No, your challenge is more to channel these longings towards an adult stage and manage to balance things.
Able to tame your animal desires and realize that it is perfectly possible to be a responsible person who enters into long-term commitments such as relationships, children, real estate etc. – and who at the same time has freedom and space to explore himself and world.
The key word is planning. But really also a realization as a first step. A realization that this is really a challenge for you. Otherwise, you won’t get anywhere and won’t solve the challenge.
The general influence of number 5 on the high points is longing for freedom, adventure, desire for change and variety. This both with regard to your friends, your work tasks and your external interests.
This can be a difficult first highlight because it is difficult to find the stability to establish oneself and build a suitable foundation. You will likely experience moves that require you to change schools and friends.
5s want you to live by your own set of rules, so even though you are more resourceful than others your age, you can also tend to get into more trouble. Impulsivity and a desire for independence are both strong in your nature during this period.
With the influence of number 5 on the second and third highlight, your ability to develop may be closely linked to your ability to function comfortably in a fluctuating environment. Your ability to adapt is very critical. The sense of freedom you have now is very important. Be careful not to burn too many bridges because of your urge for freedom, travel and adventure. You may need that job (or family) later.
With the influence of number 5 on the fourth highlight, the desire to retreat or slow down is unlikely to be fulfilled. Change and variety will continue to keep you busy.
Remember that house number 5 applies to all house numbers where the cross sum is 5, i.e. 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77, 86, 95, 104, etc.
5. house balance:
Social life, lots of friends, fast flow in the economy, good communication and a large social network. A 5th house supports you in creating a large network, new friends and lots of social life. It is also good for the career.
5. house imbalance:
If the people in the house are out of balance, the 5’s vibration will be able to swing over to the negative side. Disjointed everyday life without routines, stress, chaos, too much talk, too much TV/internet/games, nothing gets done.
It will be best for you to live in a house number that has energies that help you achieve your desires, dreams, longings. According to numerology, these should revolve around your Life Lesson, as this is your basic destiny, what you came into this life to learn – and the sooner you learn these lessons, the better and happier life you will have .
Your best house number holds energies that support you in fulfilling your basic destiny. Supporting you to learn the lessons your life lessons dictate. If you have already learned these lessons – and are looking to expand your life in a different direction – a different house number will be more advantageous for you. You can see what the individual house numbers contribute in terms of energy by clicking on the numbers.
If there are several of you in the household, the best house number will be the one that best supports you together – Read more

Type: Perfectionist
Planet: Venus
Letters: F-O-X
1 Persontype
1 Name number
1 Consonant Number
1 Vowel number
1 Life lesson number
1 Lucky Dates
1 Birthday number
1 Lifeperiods
1 Challenges
1 Highlights
1 Abundance number
1 Focus Number
1 House number
No. 2
2 Persontype
2 Name number
2 Consonant Number
2 Vowel number
2 Life lesson number
2 Lucky Dates
2 Birthday number
2 Lifeperiods
2 Challenges
2 Highlights
2 Abundance number
2 Focus Number
2 House number
No. 3
3 Persontype
3 Name number
3 Consonant Number
3 Vowel number
3 Life lesson number
3 Lucky Dates
3 Birthday number
3 Lifeperiods
3 Challenges
3 Highlights
3 Abundance number
3 Focus Number
3 House number
No. 4
4 Persontype
4 Name number
4 Consonant Number
4 Vowel number
4 Life lesson number
4 Lucky Dates
4 Birthday number
4 Lifeperiods
4 Challenges
4 Highlights
4 Abundance number
4 Focus Number
4 House number
No. 5
5 Persontype
5 Name number
5 Consonant Number
5 Vowel number
5 Life lesson number
5 Lucky Dates
5 Birthday number
5 Lifeperiods
5 Challenges
5 Highlights
5 Abundance number
5 Focus Number
5 House number
No. 6
6 Persontype
6 Name number
6 Consonant Number
6 Vowel number
6 Life lesson number
6 Lucky Dates
6 Birthday number
6 Lifeperiods
6 Challenges
6 Highlights
6 Abundance number
6 Focus Number
6 House number
No. 7
7 Persontype
7 Name number
7 Consonant Number
7 Vowel number
7 Life lesson number
7 Lucky Dates
7 Birthday number
7 Lifeperiods
7 Challenges
7 Highlights
7 Abundance number
7 Focus Number
7 House number
No. 8
8 Persontype
8 Name number
8 Consonant Number
8 Vowel number
8 Life lesson number
8 Lucky Dates
8 Birthday number
8 Lifeperiods
8 Challenges
8 Highlights
8 Abundance number
8 Focus Number
8 House number
No. 9
9 Persontype
9 Name number
9 Consonant Number
9 Vowel number
9 Life lesson number
9 Lucky Dates
9 Birthday number
9 Lifeperiods
9 Challenges
9 Highlights
9 Abundance number
9 Focus Number
9 House number
No. 11
No. 22
No. 33
Perfectionist, Reformer, Teacher, Idealist – Your innate analytical skills allows you to go directly to the cause, to the heart of any matter and solve the problems easily and logically. Your keen perception and sense of justice will be an advantage for professional development in legislation and consultancy.
Others sense your shrewdness, honesty and fairness and seek you out to clear up any inconsistencies they find. You are a responsible person who meets obligations and debts of gratitude, and you fulfill what you promise and have promised. You like comfort and peace and will not tolerate clutter or inconsistency.
The number six is symbolic of the highest form of abstract thinking. Ability to abstract, intellectual creativity, man as inventor. The creative ability elevated to a higher level of consciousness (3+3). The higher intellect. Inspiration that arises when choice (the number 2) is combined with the material (the number 4). The conscious person’s use of the senses for higher purposes (1+5).
Love, harmony, security, understanding, stability, balance, protection, justice.
As a positive 6, you can become a huge force for good. Bring joy, love, beauty and justice into the lives of others, thus establishing yourself as a safe harbor in the cold destructive storms of life.
Worry, anxiety, interference, misunderstood sympathy and understanding, time-honored rules. Egoism, suspicion, jealousy, rules for the sake of rules.
A negative 6 can be very stubborn. You may risk becoming a slave to your loved ones, who use you as a doormat, and may isolate you and become a recluse. If you feel that you have been denied the love you so desperately need, you will feel sorry for yourself, you will blame and lament and indulge in self-pity. You can risk becoming jealous and dissatisfied and playing the martyr.
Abundance number is the number that appears the most times in your numerological profile. As the highest representation in the calculation, it indicates areas that you already master and you can consider whether you should move the energy to areas where your data shows less representation.
Many 6s in the numerological profile show willingness to take responsibility, strength to adjust and harmonize.
Focus number is the number that appears the fewest times in your numerological profile. The focus number indicates with its smallest representation in the calculation that you should consider whether you can draw energy to these areas.
Few 6 in the numerological profile shows aversion to responsibility and neglect of duty.
If your Destiny number is 6, it means that the energy of the 6 and the qualities that the number represents show the best direction or path for your life.
For the number 6 as a destiny number, it is an even number, a feminine number and represents the safe, stable, warm, domestic aspect of motherhood. If this is your Base number, you are best off choosing a life path where you can be supportive, sociable and not be afraid to take on responsibility, as you are good at handling this. However, you have to be careful not to be too complacent and not to interfere too much.
The life lesson that you have undertaken in this life is aimed at learning to feel responsible for your close circle of friends and for society. Your mission may be to teach others to maintain peace and harmony in their lives and to spread the “golden mean” idea.
To learn what life lesson no. 6 points to, it is necessary to go two ways.
First of all, you must work with your own person. You cannot go out into the world and be the smoothing diplomat, the messiah, the father-mother figure, if you are not yourself trustworthy, radiate calmness, love, care, sincere interest and possess calmness, authority and wisdom about the world and its people .
Your journey must therefore start from your own self. You must develop compassion and understanding for other people’s thoughts and actions. By being aware of other people’s needs, you increase your ability to see both sides of an issue. You should develop a personal sense of responsibility towards those who depend on you and a social sense of responsibility for the welfare of those in your community.
Next you have to go out into life and “cure wrongs and injustices”. Take your close relationships as a starting point and train your skills to be caring and supportive towards them. Remember that in order to be really supportive, you must not be too permissive or superficial.
Learn to allow your family to express their own wants and desires in life. Even if you don’t agree with their choice. You are well on your way to learning your life lesson when others begin to sense your perspicacity, honesty and fairness and seek you out to clear up any inconsistencies they find.
Your spreading the message of “peace and harmony” can have many expressions. From the direct supporter to the one who expresses his messages in writing, speech or through his art.
With this development, there is a natural danger of taking on all kinds of burdens and fussing over anyone and everyone. Danger of intrusiveness and too much “meddling in other people’s business”. It is thus also your challenge to keep your own integrity and fight for your own views at the same time as you agitate for the compromise and the peaceful.
If you find that others will not accept your support and care, be careful not to feel sorry for yourself and indulge in self-pity and martyrdom. Most often, however, this life lesson means that you gain a very large and loving circle of friends.
All days that fall on a date with the 6’s own number. So the 6. 15. or 24. Number 6-People should always seek to bring their ideas to fruition on these dates.
When your birthday number is 6, this indicates that what you can, or should let express in life, may be characterized by the vibrations that the number 6 represents: Taking on all kinds of burdens and fussing over anyone and everyone. Cures errors and injustices. Danger of intrusiveness and too much “meddling in other people’s business”.
When your name number is 6, this indicates that what you want to express in life is characterized by the vibrations that the number 6 represents:
Your mission may be to teach others to maintain peace and harmony in their lives and to spread the “golden mean” idea. Of all the love vibrations of numbers, yours is the one most guilty of smoothing love. In order to learn what life lesson no. 6 points to, it is necessary to go two ways.
First of all, you must work with your own person. You cannot go out into the world and be the smoothing diplomat, the messiah, the father-mother figure, if you are not yourself trustworthy, radiate calmness, love, care, sincere interest and possess calmness, authority and wisdom about the world and its people . Your journey must therefore start from your own self.
Next you have to go out into life and “cure wrongs and injustices”. Take your close relationships as a starting point and train your skills to be caring and supportive towards them. Remember that in order to be really supportive, you must not be too permissive or superficial.
Learn to allow your family to express their own wants and desires in life. Even if you don’t agree with their choice. You are well on your way to learning your life lesson when others begin to sense your perspicacity, honesty and fairness and seek you out to clear up any inconsistencies they find.
Your spreading the message of “peace and harmony” can have many expressions. From the direct supporter to the one who expresses his messages in writing, speech or through his art.
You radiate a protective vibration and a sense of responsibility for others. People are drawn to you for counselling, teaching and healing as you have a maternal or paternal aspect that provides reassurance and security.
Home seems important to you. You are optimistic, cheerful and reliable. You love beauty and all things associated with the art forms. You have a fine sense of balance and symmetry, and can therefore see all things in isolation and as part of the whole. A societal consciousness encourages you to seek truth and justice.
6 – PERFECTIONIST. Takes on all the burdens of the world and fusses over anyone and everyone. Cures errors and injustices. Danger of intrusiveness and too much “meddling in other people’s business”.
DEEPENING: You resonate with beauty, harmony and peace. You are devoted, likeable and loyal to those you love. Your mission may be to teach others to maintain peace and harmony in their lives and to spread the “golden mean” idea. You work hard to maintain domestic harmony as your ideal lifestyle.
Of all the love vibrations of numbers, yours is the one most guilty of smoothing love. So deep is your longing to live for your own immediate family. Learn to allow your family to express their own wants and desires in life. Even if you don’t agree with their choice.
gets vibration from 6
This means that in the early years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 6. This period evokes a need to be needed and you will probably want to help your parents or your brothers, sisters and friends in any way possible.
In some cases, this period is one in which the individual is required, or in some way forced, to take on greater responsibility at an earlier age than usual. Generally, this early time in life is marked by overt attempts to be helpful and even nurture or educate others. In early adulthood there will be a strong sense of responsibility and care.
gets vibration from 6
This means that in the productive years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 6. During these years, you will find that you only get started after you have made the personal sacrifices necessary to benefit others in need.
Most of your life, during this period, will tend to be centered around your home and family. This is not a period suitable for dramatic enrichment because you tend to be more selfless and less demanding in terms of personal rewards.
You will have opportunities as an idealist, mediator and possibly as a leader in your local community. Focus during this period will be on family and domestic affairs.
gets vibration from 6
This means that in the later years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 6. This influence late in life usually indicates a happy and contented time.
At the same time, it suggests a tendency for you to accept responsibility and offer a helping hand to those around you. You probably won’t be alone in your later years since there is likely to be a lot of emphasis on family and domestic affairs during this time. In fact, you may find yourself helping or even being responsible for raising a grandchild or two.
Keep your high standards to yourself! Be yourself an image of the change you want in the world instead of constantly expecting the world around you to live up to your standards, your demands, your expectations.
Learn to understand that these are your own demands on the world and you cannot reasonably expect anything other than that you live up to them yourself at most once in a while.
Perhaps also examine what are the deeper reasons why your challenge has been chosen to be this one. Perhaps there is something in yourself and about your own person that you seek to compensate for. Also learn that you cannot give anything to other people until they themselves are ready to receive.
The challenge is therefore just as much about leaving other people alone and accepting and respecting them for who they are.
The general influence of the number 6 on the highlight is responsibility, which can cause feelings of limitation. There is a close alignment with home, family, children and those in your environment for whom you feel responsible. You will be drawn to opportunities to serve and help others; teaching, counseling and promoting harmony and diplomacy.
As a young person, you are likely to find a lot of duty and responsibility related to home and family. There can be strong feelings of limitation due to this pressure. Bad marriages at an early age sometimes occur. It is a period when you have to take care of the demands placed on you by family and close friends rather than yourself. Often the 6 in the first peak suggests that you are under the close dictates of a parent or other authority figure.
During this period, family will generally take precedence over business. You will feel obliged to fulfill external demands from family and close friends, rather than demands and wishes that come from yourself. Therefore, it is very important to master the diplomatic actions, so that there is also room for yourself.
The 6 has as an influence on the fourth highlight that you will have a close and large circle of friends. You will have your attention focused on opportunities to give attention to people in need, vulnerable animals, anyone who needs special care and nurturing.
House number 6 applies to all house numbers where the cross sum is 6, i.e. 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69, 78, 87, 96, 105, etc.
6. house balance:
Love, family life, coziness, emotional life in balance, aesthetics and beauty, romance, warmth, openness . It is really good for you to live in a 6-room house if you would like to have a home that supports you in having a warm, cozy and loving home, where there is plenty of space for friends and family.
6. house imbalance:
If the people in the house are out of balance, the 6s vibration will be able to swing over to the negative side. Stagnation, stalling in life, overeating, boredom, lack of drive and activity, emotional dependence, drama in relationships.
It will be best for you to live in a house number that has energies that help you achieve your desires, dreams, longings. According to numerology, these should revolve around your Life Lesson, as this is your basic destiny, what you came into this life to learn – and the sooner you learn these lessons, the better and happier life you will have .
Your best house number holds energies that support you in fulfilling your basic destiny. Supporting you to learn the lessons your life lessons dictate. If you have already learned these lessons – and are looking to expand your life in a different direction – a different house number will be more advantageous for you. You can see what the individual house numbers contribute in terms of energy by clicking on the numbers.
If there are several of you in the household, the best house number will be the one that best supports you together – Read more

Type: Observer
Planet: Neptune
Letters: G-P-Y
1 Persontype
1 Name number
1 Consonant Number
1 Vowel number
1 Life lesson number
1 Lucky Dates
1 Birthday number
1 Lifeperiods
1 Challenges
1 Highlights
1 Abundance number
1 Focus Number
1 House number
No. 2
2 Persontype
2 Name number
2 Consonant Number
2 Vowel number
2 Life lesson number
2 Lucky Dates
2 Birthday number
2 Lifeperiods
2 Challenges
2 Highlights
2 Abundance number
2 Focus Number
2 House number
No. 3
3 Persontype
3 Name number
3 Consonant Number
3 Vowel number
3 Life lesson number
3 Lucky Dates
3 Birthday number
3 Lifeperiods
3 Challenges
3 Highlights
3 Abundance number
3 Focus Number
3 House number
No. 4
4 Persontype
4 Name number
4 Consonant Number
4 Vowel number
4 Life lesson number
4 Lucky Dates
4 Birthday number
4 Lifeperiods
4 Challenges
4 Highlights
4 Abundance number
4 Focus Number
4 House number
No. 5
5 Persontype
5 Name number
5 Consonant Number
5 Vowel number
5 Life lesson number
5 Lucky Dates
5 Birthday number
5 Lifeperiods
5 Challenges
5 Highlights
5 Abundance number
5 Focus Number
5 House number
No. 6
6 Persontype
6 Name number
6 Consonant Number
6 Vowel number
6 Life lesson number
6 Lucky Dates
6 Birthday number
6 Lifeperiods
6 Challenges
6 Highlights
6 Abundance number
6 Focus Number
6 House number
No. 7
7 Persontype
7 Name number
7 Consonant Number
7 Vowel number
7 Life lesson number
7 Lucky Dates
7 Birthday number
7 Lifeperiods
7 Challenges
7 Highlights
7 Abundance number
7 Focus Number
7 House number
No. 8
8 Persontype
8 Name number
8 Consonant Number
8 Vowel number
8 Life lesson number
8 Lucky Dates
8 Birthday number
8 Lifeperiods
8 Challenges
8 Highlights
8 Abundance number
8 Focus Number
8 House number
No. 9
9 Persontype
9 Name number
9 Consonant Number
9 Vowel number
9 Life lesson number
9 Lucky Dates
9 Birthday number
9 Lifeperiods
9 Challenges
9 Highlights
9 Abundance number
9 Focus Number
9 House number
No. 11
No. 22
No. 33
Observer, Intellectual, Innovator, Inventor The Scholar – Seven are the number of the introverted, reserved, serious, dignified philosophical type. These people are usually introverted individualists or downright loners. They are intellectuals and forever searching for the “truth”.
They favor quietness for meditation and deep reflection on life’s questions and mysteries. The number of the mind for the analysis of all facts. An eternal search for the “truth”. Need quiet for meditation. Danger of hermit life and over-concern. Seven stands for the individual’s sense of boundaries. Time, the limitations of time, the outer limits of the material world.
In numerology, the numbers one to seven represent the material world and the number seven is thus the boundary between the material world and the spiritual world. Man’s awareness of the limitations of the material through the concept of time – nothing in the world lasts forever unless it is transformed in some way.
The scholar is quiet and reserved. A good thinker, analyzer and mediator. You need peaceful surroundings and become irritable if your surroundings are noisy. You are cultured, sensitive, secretive and may have an aptitude as a spiritual medium.
Your true nature is to be calm, to develop the depth of personality and thus to enrich humanity through philosophy. You enjoy your moments of solitude, away from the crowd.
There is a cloud of mystery and secrecy around you. You seem to be philosophical, mystical, poet, thinker, scientist and researcher, whose temporary withdrawal allows time for further investigations. You have an upper-class aura, a personal dignity and a refined politeness and seem to contain an unwavering faith in the future.
Pythagoras considered 7 to be the most sacred of all numbers, and his students took their monastic vows or obligations at the number 7.
Constructive vibrations:
Wisdom, good analytical skills, philosophical aptitude, spiritual aptitude.
Negative vibrations:
Criticism, skepticism, nervousness, erratic, melancholy, sarcasm. Dishonesty, theft, cheating, fraud, drunkenness, violence, faithlessness.
Abundance number is the number that appears the most times in your numerological profile. As the highest representation in the calculation, it indicates areas that you already master and you can consider whether you should move the energy to areas where your data shows less representation.
Many 7s in the numerological profile show engineering, analysis, research, fondness for facts, mental acuity.
Focus number is the number that appears the fewest times in your numerological profile. The focus number indicates with its smallest representation in the calculation that you should consider whether you can draw energy to these areas.
Few 7in the numerological profile shows acceptance of superficial judgments, rejection of common sense, lack of spiritual knowledge.
The life lesson that you will learn in this life is aimed at developing your consciousness as well as your intuitive and philosophical sides. In numerology, the numbers one to seven represent the material world and the number seven is thus the boundary between the material world and the spiritual world.
Man’s awareness of the limitations of the material through the concept of time – nothing in the world lasts forever unless it is transformed in some way.
You are here to use and develop your mind. You should do everything you can to expand your awareness; studies philosophy, religion and metaphysical subjects. Immerse yourself in and explore the occult, the mysterious. Travel and experience contact with foreign countries and cultures. Learn to meditate and allow yourself deep reflection on life’s questions and mysteries.
Periodically be alone in the forest, mountains or by the coast, if this can help you get in touch with your inner self, your deepest thoughts and develop your consciousness.
You contain latent spiritual, clairvoyant and psychic abilities. You should develop your mental powers, the world will benefit from them. Cultivate areas where your creative imagination can unfold and uplift your soul.
With this development, there is a natural danger that your contemplation and brooding can isolate you from the outside world. There is a delicate balance between being an introverted individualist and then being a loner, a loner.
You must develop your empathy so that you will not be made fun of by external events. You also have a challenge in maintaining the dividing line between the imaginable and the practical, so as not to become too disappointed with the outside world and isolate yourself as the misunderstood genius.
Sometimes you make people insecure with your ability to see right through them. – or by constantly turning things upside down and questioning the established. A realization and understanding that you can have this influence on less enlightened and less searching individuals can steer you away from many pitfalls.
All days that fall on a date with the 7’s own number. So the 7. 16. or 25. Number 7-People should always seek to bring their ideas to fruition on these dates.
When your birthday number is 7, this indicates that what you can, or should express in life, may be characterized by the vibrations that the number 7 represents: Developing your awareness as well as your intuitive and philosophical sides. You are here to use and develop your mind.
When your Name number is 7, this indicates that what you want to express in life is characterized by the vibrations that the number 7 represents: Developing your awareness as well as your intuitive and philosophical sides. You are here to use and develop your mind.
You should do everything you can to expand your awareness; studies philosophy, religion and metaphysical subjects. Immerse yourself in and explore the occult, the mysterious and the world of phenomena in this life. Travel and experience contact with foreign countries and cultures.
Learn to meditate and allow yourself deep reflection on life’s questions and mysteries. Periodically be alone in the woods, mountains or by the coast if this can help you get in touch with your deepest thoughts and develop your consciousness.
Cultivate areas where your creative imagination runs free, uplifts your soul and lets you travel to other areas.
You have the appearance of being the thinking professor. Always engrossed in thoughts and pondering over life’s big questions. There is a cloud of mystery and secrecy around you.
You seem to be philosophical, mystical, poet, thinker, scientist and researcher, whose temporary withdrawal allows time for further investigations. A penetrating ability of observation helps you to mentally analyze any situation.
You have an upper-class aura, a personal dignity and a refined politeness, and seem to contain an unshakable faith in the future. If you get caught up in the material, you will only find dissatisfaction and lose your balance and become frustrated. You will become brooding and withdrawn.
7 – THE SCHOLAR. The number of the mind for the analysis of all facts. An eternal search for “the truth”. Need quiet for meditation. Danger of hermit life and over-concern.
Elaborating: You are quiet and reserved. A good thinker, analyzer and mediator. You need peaceful surroundings and become irritable if your surroundings are noisy. You are cultured, sensitive, secretive and may have an aptitude as a spiritual medium.
You can live alone and remain unmarried. You can be single and join the higher mystical order of humanity. Your true nature is to be calm, to develop the depth of personality and thus to enrich humanity through philosophy.
gets vibrations from 7
This means that in the early years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 7. During this period, you probably have the feeling that you are different from your peers. You reject conformity.
This period makes you inclined to seek and absorb learning as the primary. You must expect that you will not feel particularly at home in your surroundings. Your natural curiosity and inquiring mind will take you far and wide during this period.
gets vibrations from 7
This means that in the productive years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 7. This period of the productive years is fabulous for one pursuing studies and intellectual growth. This period is a plus if you are engaged in an academic profession, but otherwise progress can be slow.
It will be hard to force yourself to seek new opportunities, and if you do it will probably be to no avail. Use your longing for new learning to get out into the world, to seek out new places, as this is probably the only thing that can get you out of your hermit life.
gets vibrations from 7
This means that in the later years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 7. When the number 7 influences later in life, you will probably find yourself engaged in studies like never before. During this period, you will find yourself writing more, engaging in some form of research, or venturing into new and interesting topics.
This is not a very social period and in fact there are concerns that you may become increasingly isolated. but remember, you also choose isolation yourself.
Stop your inner critic. Your challenge is to stop beating yourself up and resenting things you could have done differently. Stop fretting over things you haven’t achieved yet. You obviously have a tendency to let a strong inner critic speak.
The problem with this is that it is not constructive. What your inner critic does is just find fault all the time. Error, error, error. Aging is shown some ways out of the problems. And this inner scenery is also reflected in your outer behaviour.
You express yourself reserved and hesitant. You radiate that you are unsure of yourself and when your surroundings react to this, it becomes a self-reinforcing process. Learn to look more at what you achieve and your possibilities, rather than focusing so much on your mistakes and your obstacles.
The general influence of the number 7 on the highlights is the desire to learn, research and acquire skills. The number 7 is a somewhat introverted number and you will tend to be a loner. You will be more comfortable working alone, and although marriage, partnership, friendship is not out of the question, it will take some effort.
You tend to need periods of isolation to develop inner resources. This time will be marked especially by your lack of interest in material affairs and little concern with practical matters. This lack of concern may result in some financial shortfalls, limited material benefits, or possibly physical disabilities.
With number 7’s vibrations on the first highlight, your circle of friends will not be large. You are a serious student, motivated to learn by inner yearnings. Your youth can be a difficult and confusing time.
Unless you are involved in some sort of research or philosophical endeavor, your progress during this peak will be painfully slow. Your performance is simply not the type to provide financial benefits as desired or expected.
You tend to need periods of isolation to develop inner resources. This time will be marked especially by your lack of interest in material affairs and little concern with practical affairs. This lack of concern can result in limited material benefits or possibly physical disabilities.
With a number 7 fourth highlight, your later years will be a quiet time where you will primarily be involved in developing and refining your inner self. This is a time to study, develop and think about life in philosophical ways.
During this period, it may not be easy for you to find people with whom you really feel comfortable, unless your spouse has similar views. Be patient because people will come to you for what you know.
Remember that 7 applies to all house numbers where the cross sum is 7, i.e. 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79, 88, 97, 106, etc.
7′ house balance:
Spirituality, profundity, wisdom, popularity. It is very good for you to live in the 7th house if you would like to be supported in your spirituality, adventurous spirit, wealth of ideas, have opened your mental channels and have an international outlook.
7′ house imbalance:
If the people in the house are out of balance, the 7s vibration will be able to swing over to the negative side. Anxiety, introversion, isolated, cold emotional life, dry and boring, shuts off spirituality, skepticism and mistrust, addiction and flight from reality, lack of grounding.
It will be best for you to live in a house number that has energies that help you achieve your desires, dreams, longings. According to numerology, these should revolve around your Life Lesson, as this is your basic destiny, what you came into this life to learn – and the sooner you learn these lessons, the better and happier life you will have.
Your best house number holds energies that support you in fulfilling your basic destiny. Supporting you to learn the lessons your life lessons dictate. If you have already learned these lessons – and are looking to expand your life in a different direction – a different house number will be more advantageous for you. You can see what the individual house numbers contribute in terms of energy by clicking on the numbers.
If there are several of you in the household, the best house number will be the one that best supports you together – Read more
Type: Frontline fighter
Planet: Saturn
Letters: H-Q-Z
1 Persontype
1 Name number
1 Consonant Number
1 Vowel number
1 Life lesson number
1 Lucky Dates
1 Birthday number
1 Lifeperiods
1 Challenges
1 Highlights
1 Abundance number
1 Focus Number
1 House number
No. 2
2 Persontype
2 Name number
2 Consonant Number
2 Vowel number
2 Life lesson number
2 Lucky Dates
2 Birthday number
2 Lifeperiods
2 Challenges
2 Highlights
2 Abundance number
2 Focus Number
2 House number
No. 3
3 Persontype
3 Name number
3 Consonant Number
3 Vowel number
3 Life lesson number
3 Lucky Dates
3 Birthday number
3 Lifeperiods
3 Challenges
3 Highlights
3 Abundance number
3 Focus Number
3 House number
No. 4
4 Persontype
4 Name number
4 Consonant Number
4 Vowel number
4 Life lesson number
4 Lucky Dates
4 Birthday number
4 Lifeperiods
4 Challenges
4 Highlights
4 Abundance number
4 Focus Number
4 House number
No. 5
5 Persontype
5 Name number
5 Consonant Number
5 Vowel number
5 Life lesson number
5 Lucky Dates
5 Birthday number
5 Lifeperiods
5 Challenges
5 Highlights
5 Abundance number
5 Focus Number
5 House number
No. 6
6 Persontype
6 Name number
6 Consonant Number
6 Vowel number
6 Life lesson number
6 Lucky Dates
6 Birthday number
6 Lifeperiods
6 Challenges
6 Highlights
6 Abundance number
6 Focus Number
6 House number
No. 7
7 Persontype
7 Name number
7 Consonant Number
7 Vowel number
7 Life lesson number
7 Lucky Dates
7 Birthday number
7 Lifeperiods
7 Challenges
7 Highlights
7 Abundance number
7 Focus Number
7 House number
No. 8
8 Persontype
8 Name number
8 Consonant Number
8 Vowel number
8 Life lesson number
8 Lucky Dates
8 Birthday number
8 Lifeperiods
8 Challenges
8 Highlights
8 Abundance number
8 Focus Number
8 House number
No. 9
9 Persontype
9 Name number
9 Consonant Number
9 Vowel number
9 Life lesson number
9 Lucky Dates
9 Birthday number
9 Lifeperiods
9 Challenges
9 Highlights
9 Abundance number
9 Focus Number
9 House number
No. 11
No. 22
No. 33
Frontier, Challenger, Protector, Guide, Leader – You have a dynamic personality and people recognize your authority because you appear wealthy and influential.
There is an air of authority about you. Someone who can handle large businesses and manage projects. You radiate a personal power and strength that brings recognition wherever you go. A successful appearance is standard for you. You are shrewd, full of resources and ambitious for power.
Mistakes only spur you on to greater endeavours. You don’t give up easily. You are a money maker and are likely to become wealthy. Some Eights win and lose more than one fortune in their lives.
You are endowed with originality and inspiration, and you like to create. You are a multi-talent in all areas within material practice. With these qualities, your diplomacy, tenacity and courage, you can achieve anything. Danger of becoming overbearing and very materialistic.
Leadership, the ability to succeed, practicality, authority, material freedom, executive ability, self-confidence. This number gives strength and will and by using these qualities, you will easily succeed in whatever you decide to succeed in.
Proper use of this vibration brings you recognition, either in the financial world or in the sports world, as by utilizing its gifts you have the strength and determination to overcome all obstacles and achieve your goals.
Love for power, ambition for Self and money, demand for recognition, intolerance. If you are a negative otter, you are a type to be feared. You can be tyrannical, domineering, selfish and ruthless. You can be a revolutionary, ready to destroy and disrupt. There is a danger in this vibration of becoming overbearing and materialistic.
Abundance number is the number that appears the most times in your numerological profile. As the highest representation in the calculation, it indicates areas that you already master and you can consider whether you should move the energy to areas where your data shows less representation.
Many 8s in the numerological profile show excessive eagerness to go far, ability to succeed and make things pay off , executive ability, money awareness.
Focus number is the number that appears the fewest times in your numerological profile. The focus number indicates with its smallest representation in the calculation that you should consider whether you can draw energy to these areas.
Few number 8in the numerological profile shows that one does not have distinct business skills and is not particularly interested in material goods.
The life lesson that you have undertaken in this life is aimed at learning to be good at leading, managing projects, being authoritarian and using your physical and intellectual powers and ambitions positively.
In this life you must learn to deal with money, trade and business affairs. You must learn to be with and control the personal power you radiate. A strength that will bring you recognition wherever you go.
You must learn to tap into what seems to be your endless store of physical resilience and endurance.
With the number 8 as your Life Lesson Number, you have a latent capacity and a latent desire to use your magnificent courage and endurance, and you have the opportunity to achieve your goals through your persistent endeavours.
Recognition, success and prosperity are what will give you meaning in life. Perseverance in your career and long hours of intensive work backed by ambition is what carries you to the top as a leader in your chosen field.
With the number 8 as a Life Lesson number, you must also learn to influence others so that they become independent. you must also learn to share your good fortune with others.
You must lead and show by example how to make a profit in business. In this connection, you must learn that mistakes are only meant to spur greater efforts. The vibration of the number 8 will teach you the beauty of creating by being practical and stubborn.
You must be focused on learning about the satisfactions found in the material world. You will also find that you are well equipped for competition in the business world or in other competitive areas. You can learn to master how to manage yourself and your surroundings to the fullest.
With 8 as a Life Lesson number, you must also be careful not to become tyrannical, domineering, selfish and merciless. Be aware that material gains may seem more important to you than family, home and peace of mind. There are dangers that the determination after success can become an obsession.
All days that fall on a date with the 8’s own number. So the 8. 17. or 26. Number 8-People should always seek to bring their ideas to fruition on these dates.
When your birthday number is 8, this indicates that what you can, or should express in life, can be characterized by the vibrations that the number 8 represents: the energy for trade and business people. Leads other people and manages projects.
When your name number is 8, this indicates that what you can or must express in life can – depending on how harmonious you are within yourself – be characterized by the vibrations that the number 8 represents;
The energy for trade and business people. Leads other people and manages projects.
You have excellent organizational and administrative skills. You have the potential for significant achievement in business or other positions of power. You can expect to receive great financial and material rewards.
You have the skills and abilities to establish or run a business with great efficiency. You have good judgment when it comes to money and commercial matters, and you know how to build and accumulate material wealth.
If you express the positive qualities of 8, you are an excellent manager because you can plan, initiate and complete projects; you are very reliable and decisive.
As always happens, there can be too much of a good thing. If you have too much 8 energy, you can seem very stubborn and you can be too demanding, both of yourself and others. Sometimes this can even become a case of intolerance. Especially with regard to communication, you should be careful. Here you can easily come to express unreasonable impatience with lack of progress.
The number 8 is very materialistic and craves status and power. None of these urges are negative unless taken to extremes. You must avoid the tendency to strive after money, material affairs, status or power to the detriment of the other important factors in your life.
You have a dynamic personality and people recognize your authority because you appear wealthy and influential. There is an air of authority about you. One who can manage large businesses and manage trade affairs.
You radiate a personal power and strength that brings recognition wherever you go. You seem authoritative, impartial and ethical. You seem to contain an endless store of physical resilience and endurance.
Your personal power can lead you to situations where you can abuse that power. Materialism then takes over in relation to your better judgment and you can become vindictive and evil if you are opposed. A successful appearance is standard for you, and you insist that your clothes are in order and of good quality.
8 – FRONT FIGHTERS. The energy for trade and business people. Leads other people and manages projects. Danger of becoming authoritarian and materialistic.
EXPANDING: Ambition is your key figure. You believe in accomplishment and don’t let any difficulty stop you from achieving your goal. Your number is not easy to tackle, but what it gives in return is worth the effort. You are someone who will handle a big job to rise above the crowd and reach the pinnacle of the top.
You have the ability to organize large groups and undertakings successfully. Psychology will help you understand the masses that you have to work with. Others expect more from you than the general public, so you have to rely on your inner self to stay on top.
You have great courage and perseverance, and you will achieve your goals through your own efforts. Recognition, success and prosperity are your true destiny. Perseverance in your career and long hours of intensive work backed by ambition is what carries you to the top as a leader in your chosen field. No lesser position can be acceptable to you.
However, you need to link your material powers with the spiritual ones and achieve mastery within yourself before you can achieve and hold the position you aspire to.
Some people with this vibration use their tremendous strength and endurance in sports and become exceptional athletes, thereby expressing their determination to be at the top of sports rather than in the business world. However, many sports stars end up in business when their sports career is over.
is characterized by number 8
This means that in the early years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 8. Such a period early in your life emphasizes the practical and the material.
This period is probably not going to be the best childhood experience since it tends to increase the importance of material success at an inappropriate age. For the less wealthy, there may be too much interest in achieving material goals.
But this period can also have its positive sides since it prepares a young person for financial and material success. It may be that you enter into business matters early in life and in that case you will have the necessary tools to succeed.
is characterized by number 8
This means that in the productive years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 8. This period can push you to a level of success that would not otherwise have been achieved.
This period signifies a time when your talent, authority and general business skills come to the fore. You need to set your goals high and do everything with big hand gestures. If you have inherent abilities for business, this period will accelerate your abilities and your results.
is characterized by number 8
This means that in the later years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 8. This period suggests that your greatest achievements are about to come true.
In your later years you will find yourself deeply involved in clubs, organizations, associations. Your contribution to these will be important to your sense of fulfillment and to your social life.
Start owning your stuff instead of letting them own you! Your challenge is that you have obviously attached a notion of being in a safe haven, satisfied, successful, protected and the like together with having many and large material goods.
Your challenge is not to get rid of your material goods – okay maybe some of them – but rather your challenge is to learn to appreciate the material things for what they are. And below, separate your notions of happiness, security etc. from owning many things. The real strength, protection and security always lies within you.
The general influence of number 8 on the highlights is business and commercial activity. There is a lot of status orientation, success and recognition associated with this number. The vibration is on the pragmatic side and emphasizes organizational and managerial skills.
With the highlight under the influence of the number 8, you are likely to be involved in business or commercial activity at an early age. You will have a strong foundation to be able to handle business and finances successfully. This is a time of material growth, a time of expansion. Other people will sense your power and effectiveness. And will turn to you because they also want to have financial success themselves.
During this period of your life, you tend to become very deeply involved in being a leader (or perhaps being married to one). You will begin to rely more on rational feelings and less on emotional impulses. You are very ambitious and success-oriented.
With the influence of the number 8 on the fourth highlight, will make retirement at the normal age unlikely. You will continue to be very involved in dealing with money, status and power.
8 applies to all house numbers where the cross sum is 8 – i.e. 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71, 80, 89, 98, 107, etc.
8. house balance:
Inner strength, self-confidence, dynamism, career growth, luck with money and investments. An 8th house supports you in trusting yourself, strengthens your belief in yourself, your self-confidence and power of action.
8. house imbalance:
If the people in the house are out of balance, the 8’s vibration will be able to swing over to the negative side. Many challenges, tests of strength, unforeseen problems, harsh karmic lessons, the residents’ egos clash and power struggles and tensions arise.
It will be best for you to live in a house number that has energies that help you achieve your desires, dreams, longings. According to numerology, these should revolve around your Life Lesson, as this is your basic destiny, what you came into this life to learn – and the sooner you learn these lessons, the better and happier life you will have .
Your best house number holds energies that support you in fulfilling your basic destiny. Supporting you to learn the lessons your life lessons dictate. If you have already learned these lessons – and are looking to expand your life in a different direction – a different house number will be more advantageous for you. You can see what the individual house numbers contribute in terms of energy by clicking on the numbers.
If there are several of you in the household, the best house number will be the one that best supports you together – Read more

Type: Peace lover
Planet: Mars
Letters: I-R
1 Persontype
1 Name number
1 Consonant Number
1 Vowel number
1 Life lesson number
1 Lucky Dates
1 Birthday number
1 Lifeperiods
1 Challenges
1 Highlights
1 Abundance number
1 Focus Number
1 House number
No. 2
2 Persontype
2 Name number
2 Consonant Number
2 Vowel number
2 Life lesson number
2 Lucky Dates
2 Birthday number
2 Lifeperiods
2 Challenges
2 Highlights
2 Abundance number
2 Focus Number
2 House number
No. 3
3 Persontype
3 Name number
3 Consonant Number
3 Vowel number
3 Life lesson number
3 Lucky Dates
3 Birthday number
3 Lifeperiods
3 Challenges
3 Highlights
3 Abundance number
3 Focus Number
3 House number
No. 4
4 Persontype
4 Name number
4 Consonant Number
4 Vowel number
4 Life lesson number
4 Lucky Dates
4 Birthday number
4 Lifeperiods
4 Challenges
4 Highlights
4 Abundance number
4 Focus Number
4 House number
No. 5
5 Persontype
5 Name number
5 Consonant Number
5 Vowel number
5 Life lesson number
5 Lucky Dates
5 Birthday number
5 Lifeperiods
5 Challenges
5 Highlights
5 Abundance number
5 Focus Number
5 House number
No. 6
6 Persontype
6 Name number
6 Consonant Number
6 Vowel number
6 Life lesson number
6 Lucky Dates
6 Birthday number
6 Lifeperiods
6 Challenges
6 Highlights
6 Abundance number
6 Focus Number
6 House number
No. 7
7 Persontype
7 Name number
7 Consonant Number
7 Vowel number
7 Life lesson number
7 Lucky Dates
7 Birthday number
7 Lifeperiods
7 Challenges
7 Highlights
7 Abundance number
7 Focus Number
7 House number
No. 8
8 Persontype
8 Name number
8 Consonant Number
8 Vowel number
8 Life lesson number
8 Lucky Dates
8 Birthday number
8 Lifeperiods
8 Challenges
8 Highlights
8 Abundance number
8 Focus Number
8 House number
No. 9
9 Persontype
9 Name number
9 Consonant Number
9 Vowel number
9 Life lesson number
9 Lucky Dates
9 Birthday number
9 Lifeperiods
9 Challenges
9 Highlights
9 Abundance number
9 Focus Number
9 House number
No. 11
No. 22
No. 33
Peace lover, Mediator, Ambassador, Diplomat – Personality type 9 can get into a conversation with all people. Possesses all the qualities of other numbers and can be artistic, independent and efficient. You are the all-embracing lover of mankind, tolerant, kind and understanding.
You seem to receive wisdom from above. Thus you know that the true path to happiness is to help others. You are never petty, but act with broad concepts and can achieve success despite difficulties. You are here to show others the way through your brilliant thinking. You possess a broad human sympathy and a great charm.
As 9 is the last single digit, it indicates result, completion and closure, the seed of new beginnings, the basis for future growth in a new or higher cycle. As the number beyond the number eight, 9 symbolizes space, beyond eternity, freedom, truth, love. Man as part of the universe.
Compassion, sympathy, charity, generosity, philanthropy, humanism.
Selfishness, indiscretion, impracticality, lack of determination, aimless reverie. Destructive Aspects: Debauchery, amoral, vulgar, bitterness, grumpiness.
If you are a negative 9, you are selfish and only care about your own needs. This complacency prevents belief in a higher source and can result in unbelief. When you are opposed, you are easily agitated. Your sharp mind makes you a formidable foe.
Abundance number is the number that appears the most times in your numerological profile. As the highest representation in the calculation, it indicates areas that you already master and you can consider whether you should move the energy to areas where your data shows less representation.
Many 9s in the numerological profile show generosity and receptiveness to impressions.
Focus number is the number that appears the fewest times in your numerological profile. The focus number indicates with its smallest representation in the calculation that you should consider whether you can draw energy to these areas.
Few 9 in the numerological profile shows a narrow outlook on life and no understanding of other people’s emotional reactions.
The life lesson that you have undertaken in this life is aimed at showing others the way through your brilliant thinking. You can choose many professions – education and medicine are the most usual fields of work.
You can become a speaker, writer or lecturer with equal ease. Communication, helping strangers and positions within statesmanship or leadership are easily achieved within your capacity. What you must learn in this life – your life lesson – is to be the all-embracing lover of mankind, tolerant, kind and understanding.
Usually, the number 9 as a life lesson number also shows a person who is just ready to take on this challenge. A person who can talk to all people. Possesses all the qualities of other numbers and can be artistic, independent and efficient.
You are thus at the peak of life and must turn to show others the way. You seem to receive wisdom from above. Thus you know that the true path to happiness is to help others. You know this, but at the same time it is also what you must learn to unfold in great bloom in this life. You are strong in passion and compassion.
You come easily to money or wealth and know how to preserve it. You are never petty, but act with broad concepts and can achieve success despite difficulties.
9 is the number of trials. The higher you reach, the more difficulties you can face. You should be tolerant and merciful towards others on your path. In this way, you will set an example for them and they will recognize your sympathetic and compassionate nature.
People will be drawn to you because of your deep and broad understanding. Your thinking is immeasurable and limitless. As a result of your openness, your psychic abilities can be easily developed and foresight, premonition and predictions flow from you with ease. You seem to have a direct connection to the mysteries of life.
You have very strong feelings and sensations and could devise a new philosophy for humanity. You are generous and idealistic. To anyone who needs your advice and guidance, you are generous and benevolent, as you know that knowledge belongs to the seeker.
Your connections to other people in your life are strong but not necessarily lasting. You must learn to let your friends go their separate ways when their needs have been met. You must share your wisdom to enlighten the world, therefore you must not be bound by permanent obligations that will be a limitation in your freedom.
Your life cycle includes travel and association with famous people, who will be drawn to you because of your free nature and broad compassion. Your friendship encompasses the world. You achieve easy money and independence, leaving you free to pursue your worldly destiny.
If you are a negative 9, you are selfish and care about your own needs more than those of others. This complacency prevents belief in a higher source and can result in unbelief.
When you are opposed, you are easily agitated. Your sharp mind makes you a formidable foe. Since 9s have to live up to a higher standard than others, the resulting tension can cause nervousness. This can create unhappy connections with others.
All days that fall on a date with the 9’s own number. So the 9. 18. or 27. Number 9-People should always seek to bring their ideas to fruition on these dates.
When your birthday number is 9, this indicates that what you can, or should express in life, may be characterized by the vibrations that the number 9 represents: the human friend who can talk to all people. Possesses the qualities of all other numbers and is motivated by helping others and generally elevating humanity to a higher level.
When your name number is 9, this indicates that what you can or must express in life is characterized by the vibrations that the number 9 represents.
Your talents center in humanistic interests and approaches. You like to help others as you were meant to be “big brother or big sister”. You function best when you follow your compassion and allow yourself to be sensitive to the needs of others.
You work well with people and have the potential to inspire. This suggests that you could successfully teach or advise. Creative ability, imagination and artistic talent of the highest order are present at this vibration.
You may not be using or developing all of these capabilities at this time. Some of your talents may have been used at an earlier stage in your life and some may still be latent. Be aware of your abilities so that you can make use of them at appropriate times.
If you are able to achieve the potential in this life, you are able to hold much human understanding and have much to give to others. You meet others from a very positive perspective, and you always represent a sympathetic, tolerant, broad-minded and compassionate point of view.
You are quite idealistic and disappointed by the lack of perfection in the world. You have a strong awareness of your own emotions as well as those of others. Friendships, affection and love are extremely important.
Undeveloped or ignored, the negative side of the 9 can manifest itself in selfishness, reticence, lack of involvement and lack of sensitivity.
You seem to have a breadth and understanding as well as a personal magnetism that is universal in scope. Your warm, friendly and charming appearance puts everyone you come in contact with at ease. The selflessness that you exude endears you to many.
You seem to have a tolerance and compassion for others that allows you to forgive and forget quickly. You are generous to the needy and display humanitarian traits by being an example to others.
Others see you as sentimental and romantic, as the idealist who believes that progress in the world justifies personal sacrifice. Emotions can take over and you become receptive to any sad story you hear about.
9 – THE HUMAN FRIEND. Can talk to all people. Possesses all the qualities of other numbers and can be artistic, independent and efficient.
DEEPENING: You are highly intuitive in this life. You are sensitive and imaginative and can think in abstract terms. Although you may appear weak at times, you are extremely expressive, compassionate and generous. You need to get and give love. You are kind and forgive easily with an expanded consciousness meant to uplift humanity. This may be the number from a teacher or master from a past life.
Your mission is charity. You may face many challenges and setbacks, but the teaching of forgiveness will bring moderation in these situations.
The higher you progress, the more challenges you are likely to face, so beware of losing your balance. You strive to live an ideal life and hope to inspire others to do the same. You want to improve the world through philosophy and philanthropy and get impatient when results are too slow.
is characterized by number 9
This means that in the early years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 9. This period can be difficult for a young person because so much is expected of them in terms of feeling compassion and tolerance.
Adolescence is by nature selfish years and this period suppresses the feeling of being absorbed in oneself. Although this influence will prove helpful in the future, this period often brings feelings of being lonely, unappreciated and unsure of oneself.
is characterized by number 9
This means that in the productive years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 9. With an influence from the number 9 in the productive years, you will find yourself becoming more humanitarian. You will find it easy to express compassion, sympathy, understanding and tolerance.
is characterized by number 9
This means that in the later years of your life you are under the influence of the vibrations from the number 9. It may be that you engage in several tasks that benefit humanity or just a few needy souls in your immediate surroundings. The lesson of the number 9 is to learn to give without expecting anything in return. If you have learned this already, this period may well be the best part of your life.
You find it difficult to work with people because you are afraid of being criticized or, worse, ignored. You have a good amount of self-doubt and a clear lack of self-confidence.
There is a tendency to constantly worry about other people’s opinion of you. There is also a tendency to use this sensitivity in a negative way. Used more positively, your keen intuition can be a significant strength, allowing you to be aware of much that others rarely perceive. Try not to take things too personally.
Friendships are a source of deep satisfaction for you at this time. Respect your ability to compromise and grow quietly. Don’t let details overwhelm you and prevent you from seeing the big picture. Plan for slow growth instead of immediate gain.
The general influence of the number 9 is an active belief in the value of human life, which encourages giving help to other people to reduce suffering and improve the conditions of humanity.
This is a period where you need to identify with a project or goal that is bigger than you. Your greatest satisfaction will be providing for others, as well as yourself.
The vibration from the number 9 will make you feel and care for those who are weaker, poorer and less fortunate than yourself. The number 9 influences with a degree of selflessness that is not shown in any other number. The result is humanism, philanthropy.
With the influence of number 9 on the second and third highlight, you can at times express very emotional and dramatic humanitarian views and ideals and become a champion of the need for tolerance and compassion in the world. You have a universal view of the world, and work in ways that will benefit humanity.
With the influence of number 9 on the fourth highlight, you will be very caring towards everyone in your path. You are generally a helpful person in whatever way your talent allows. You tend to embrace humanitarian political views and ideals.
Number 9 applies to all house numbers where the cross sum is 9 – i.e. 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 108, etc.
9. house balance:
Strength, industriousness, self-discipline, leadership, high consciousness, humanism and high ideals. It is very good for you to live in a 9th house if you would like to have a home that supports you with a very hard-working energy.
9. house imbalance:
If the people in the house are out of balance, the 9’s vibration will be able to swing over to the negative side. Anger, dissatisfaction, judgmental attitude, unpleasant competition, conflicts, fights over principles and power struggles.
It will be best for you to live in a house number that has energies that help you achieve your desires, dreams, longings. According to numerology, these should revolve around your Life Lesson, as this is your basic destiny, what you came into this life to learn – and the sooner you learn these lessons, the better and happier life you will have .
Your best house number holds energies that support you in fulfilling your basic destiny. Supporting you to learn the lessons your life lessons dictate. If you have already learned these lessons – and are looking to expand your life in a different direction – a different house number will be more advantageous for you. You can see what the individual house numbers contribute in terms of energy by clicking on the numbers.
If there are several of you in the household, the best house number will be the one that best supports you together – Read more
1 Persontype
1 Name number
1 Consonant Number
1 Vowel number
1 Life lesson number
1 Lucky Dates
1 Birthday number
1 Lifeperiods
1 Challenges
1 Highlights
1 Abundance number
1 Focus Number
1 House number
No. 2
2 Persontype
2 Name number
2 Consonant Number
2 Vowel number
2 Life lesson number
2 Lucky Dates
2 Birthday number
2 Lifeperiods
2 Challenges
2 Highlights
2 Abundance number
2 Focus Number
2 House number
No. 3
3 Persontype
3 Name number
3 Consonant Number
3 Vowel number
3 Life lesson number
3 Lucky Dates
3 Birthday number
3 Lifeperiods
3 Challenges
3 Highlights
3 Abundance number
3 Focus Number
3 House number
No. 4
4 Persontype
4 Name number
4 Consonant Number
4 Vowel number
4 Life lesson number
4 Lucky Dates
4 Birthday number
4 Lifeperiods
4 Challenges
4 Highlights
4 Abundance number
4 Focus Number
4 House number
No. 5
5 Persontype
5 Name number
5 Consonant Number
5 Vowel number
5 Life lesson number
5 Lucky Dates
5 Birthday number
5 Lifeperiods
5 Challenges
5 Highlights
5 Abundance number
5 Focus Number
5 House number
No. 6
6 Persontype
6 Name number
6 Consonant Number
6 Vowel number
6 Life lesson number
6 Lucky Dates
6 Birthday number
6 Lifeperiods
6 Challenges
6 Highlights
6 Abundance number
6 Focus Number
6 House number
No. 7
7 Persontype
7 Name number
7 Consonant Number
7 Vowel number
7 Life lesson number
7 Lucky Dates
7 Birthday number
7 Lifeperiods
7 Challenges
7 Highlights
7 Abundance number
7 Focus Number
7 House number
No. 8
8 Persontype
8 Name number
8 Consonant Number
8 Vowel number
8 Life lesson number
8 Lucky Dates
8 Birthday number
8 Lifeperiods
8 Challenges
8 Highlights
8 Abundance number
8 Focus Number
8 House number
No. 9
9 Persontype
9 Name number
9 Consonant Number
9 Vowel number
9 Life lesson number
9 Lucky Dates
9 Birthday number
9 Lifeperiods
9 Challenges
9 Highlights
9 Abundance number
9 Focus Number
9 House number
No. 11
No. 22
No. 33
The number 11 is a Master number. Master numbers indicate that the person has been through many incarnations and through this has acquired wisdom, knowledge, skills, abilities and insights.
People with Master number 11 are the “Magician” type of person. Other words could be: the mystic, the dreamer, the distracted professor.
They have such strong intuition that others attribute to them supernatural abilities. These people listen primarily to their inner voice. They are also naturally charismatic people, analytical and brave. They believe in being independent and their morals mean a lot to them. An 11 lives in two worlds. Ours and the other – the unknown. It is in the 11’s power to give a revelation to the world.
The 11 usually has very little respect for time, place and agreements, as they live on a higher plane of existence where a rhythm exists that is completely different from ours. The 11 is usually quite impractical as a life partner, because they are, and act as, masters, messengers, spokesmen for the higher powers.
You have been on the spiritual path for a long time. Through spiritual development you have learned much about the mysteries of life and death. You have courage, talent and leadership skills. You are understanding, wise, intuitive and often clairvoyant with highly sensitive extrasensory abilities. You also have the strength of soul to deal with many changes and unexpected events.
Constructive vibrations:
Intuition, Revelation, Idealism, Poetic, Martyrdom, Spirituality, Foresight, Insight, Inspiration, Intensity.
Negative vibrations:
Fanaticism, aimlessness, stinginess, laziness, superiority. Miserly, devilry, dishonesty, degradation. If you are a negative eleven, you use your power harmfully, which will work against yourself by creating negative karma. You can be unfair, biased and fierce. Danger of fanaticism and abuse of power.
Abundance number is the number that appears the most times in your numerological profile. As the highest representation in the calculation, it indicates areas that you already master and you can consider whether you should move the energy to areas where your data shows less representation.
Many 11s in the numerological profile indicate that you are largely perceived as “The Magician”, “The Mystic”, “The Dreamer” , “the distracted professor.” Perhaps you could benefit from a little focus on the opposite; the everyday, the logical, the practical.
Focus number is the number that appears the fewest times in your numerological profile. The focus number indicates with its smallest representation in the calculation that you should consider whether you can draw energy to these areas.
Few or no 11s in the numerological profile indicate that lack of energy around the number 11 is the biggest obstacle standing between you and your success. Perhaps you could benefit from more focus on what the number 11 primarily represents, namely intuition.
When people contain Master numbers, this is assumed to be an expression of the fact that they have lived in many incarnations and acquired great abilities, skills, experiences, wisdom. They are, so to speak, old souls. They contain, more or less latently and unconsciously, great knowledge of what they have acquired in their many incarnations of abilities and skills.
When you contain one or more master numbers in your numerological profile, this is an expression of the fact that you have already gone through many incarnations, where you have learned to master many life lessons.
You have already in previous lives learned to master caring for others (2), learned to express yourself creatively (3), learned to appreciate the value of money (4), learned to understand that the world is bigger than your own little duck pond (5), learned to create and understand art, abstract thinking (6), learned to trust your intuition (7), learned to relate to the idea of multiple dimensions (8), learned to relate holistically (9).
In short, you are quite clever and already contain a lot of abilities, skills, wisdom. The life lesson that the number 11 represents builds on top of what you already know – which is a lot!
When you have number 11 as a life lesson, the main thing that you have to learn in this life is to find a balance between the material life and the spiritual life.
Thus, your optimal career path should be within inventions, discoveries, research. The number 11 is up to you to inspire others. So don’t cage yourself in and keep your thoughts, considerations, ideas to yourself.
For example, you can become a teacher or writer, immerse yourself in philosophy. Or you can pack your backpack and head off to study shamanism, become an archaeologist or study ancient cultures. In any case, you are gifted with special abilities that can lead others. Original and idealistic.
You can promote a better standard of living for the less fortunate. The drive in your career can be expressed through acting on stage and screen or as a dynamic preacher or teacher. Your own attitude to life must be above average.
You may achieve fame and recognition in some field, and since this vibration bestows great creative possibilities, art or a profession as an inventor will be your most obvious choice. You have the ability to tap into the creative wellsprings and to give your work an inspirational touch that will affect the souls that come into contact with whatever you create. You are truly inspired.
Like 2
You may have chosen to live your life as a 2, as 11 can be reduced to 2. If this is the case, it gives other aspects that you may be under the influence of.
Number 11-People have as lucky days, all days that fall on a date with their own number, i.e. day 11. or 29. They should therefore always seek to bring their ideas to fruition on these days and dates.
Your pronounced intuitive abilities can guide your original, inventive and creative mind. Since you are likely to become a leader in one way or another, use these higher vibrations wisely. True mastery is service.
Don’t let this power go to your head, as fame and admiration are likely. Realize instead that true mastery is serving others. If you manage to harness this great power you will become the source of inspiration. You are original and creative and can become an inspirational speaker. Gifted with special abilities that can lead others. Original and idealistic.
The name number tells about the talents and opportunities that are available to you in this life if you choose to develop and use them. Your name number is the sum of the abilities that you find easy to express because of the vibrations in your name.
With master number 11 as your name number, you have an enormous number of resources, abilities and talents to choose from. There is virtually free choice on all shelves for you! You can become whatever you want, there are no limits to the resources at your disposal.
With 11 as your consonant number, the first thing others notice when they meet you is the impression that others have of you, shaped by the number 11 and how you use the powerful resources available to you in this master number.
If you use these in a good way, your influence on others will primarily be admiration and fascination. However, everything depends on how you juggle the many talents and resources that you possess – whether you make use of them in a constructive way, or have chosen to live your life as a 2.
With 11 as your vocal number, your inner self wants to urge you to make use of the mighty resources available to you in this master number. The vocal number, also called Motivation number or Heart number, is the number of what your Higher Self wants you to do.
However, how this can materialize depends on how you juggle the many talents and resources that you possess via your Master number 11.
gets vibration from 11
This master number is generally not attainable by a very young person and it is usually best to consider this as a period of life influenced by the number 2. As a young adult, you may find yourself drawn to spiritual matters and overall connections, holism.
gets vibration from 11
During the productive years, the influence of the number 11 will help you with a spiritual endeavor of any kind. If your life has been material until now, this period may cause you to change focus. If you have desires and dreams of wanting to be a teacher, to heal, to raise the morale of some, this will be the period when lofty goals like these can begin to bear fruit.
gets vibration from 11
In your later years, the vibrations of the number 11 will direct you towards a more spiritual behavior. In these years it will be easy to find time and energy for study and reflection, expanding your mind and expanding your way of thinking. For someone who rejects the idea of spirituality, it will probably make more sense to read the influence of the number 2 in recent years.
Everyone has three challenges. The first challenge appears mostly in the first and beginning of the second life period. The second challenge manifests itself mostly in the rest of the second and entire third life period. While the third challenge is always present, throughout life.
Generally, the challenges show the weak links that need to be strengthened in order to achieve success in material affairs and happiness in external relationships. When Mestertallet 11 is one of the three challenges, the problem is not a lack of resources and talent. There is therefore nothing that needs to be strengthened.
When master number 11 appears as a challenge, it is to draw your attention to the fact that you are capable of so much more than you are aware of. Make yourself aware that in the cycle covered by the challenge, you have all the resources available that the master number 11 contains.
According to numerology, we meet four high points on our way through life. The four highlights are expressions of four periods in our lives and each one stands as an expression of something we have to learn during this period. A high point is thus an expression of learning that occurs over a certain period in our lives.
The number 11 is the first master number. The influence of this number is philosophical and very enlightening. However, it is difficult for a young person to use the general influence productively. Thus, the background tone in this period is perhaps better communicated through the use of the number 2 energies.
The general influence from here is friendliness, cooperation and harmony. You tend to be a very sensitive person during this peak. As this peak is experienced early in your life, it can tend to make you an oversensitive child and you can easily be hurt or offended. Early on you may experience difficulties with expression, both verbal and emotional.
The number 11 is a master number and its presence indicates that here is a person who has already gone through many incarnations and gained great abilities, skills, experiences, wisdom. They are, so to speak, old souls.
What the influence of the master number 11 in the second and third high point manifests itself in depends on how conscious the individual person is. Is the person aware of the great abilities, talents and resources that are available? Or has the person chosen to live their life as a 2?
If the person has the desire and courage to take a closer look at the enormous opportunities that are potentially present if the energies of master number 11 are activated, this period can be very successful, very productive, lead to great happiness, create a great fortune… the possibilities is present so that everything can be done.
With the influence of master number no. 11, fourth peak, the same possibilities are available as mentioned under peaks 2 and 3.
11 applies to all house numbers where the cross sum is 11 – i.e. 11, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92, 110, 128, etc.
11th houses bring balance:
Intuition, spirituality, foresight, shrewd inspiration, intensity.
11th houses bring imbalance:
Danger of fanaticism and abuse of power. To be unfair, biased and fierce
It will be best for you to live in a house number that has energies that help you achieve your desires, dreams, longings. According to numerology, these should revolve around your Life Lesson, as this is your basic destiny, what you came into this life to learn – and the sooner you learn these lessons, the better and happier life you will have.
Your best house number holds energies that support you in fulfilling your basic destiny. Supporting you to learn the lessons your life lessons dictate. If you have already learned these lessons – and are looking to expand your life in a different direction – a different house number will be more advantageous for you. You can see what the individual house numbers contribute in terms of energy by clicking on the numbers.
If there are several of you in the household, the best house number will be the one that best supports you together – Read more
1 Persontype
1 Name number
1 Consonant Number
1 Vowel number
1 Life lesson number
1 Lucky Dates
1 Birthday number
1 Lifeperiods
1 Challenges
1 Highlights
1 Abundance number
1 Focus Number
1 House number
No. 2
2 Persontype
2 Name number
2 Consonant Number
2 Vowel number
2 Life lesson number
2 Lucky Dates
2 Birthday number
2 Lifeperiods
2 Challenges
2 Highlights
2 Abundance number
2 Focus Number
2 House number
No. 3
3 Persontype
3 Name number
3 Consonant Number
3 Vowel number
3 Life lesson number
3 Lucky Dates
3 Birthday number
3 Lifeperiods
3 Challenges
3 Highlights
3 Abundance number
3 Focus Number
3 House number
No. 4
4 Persontype
4 Name number
4 Consonant Number
4 Vowel number
4 Life lesson number
4 Lucky Dates
4 Birthday number
4 Lifeperiods
4 Challenges
4 Highlights
4 Abundance number
4 Focus Number
4 House number
No. 5
5 Persontype
5 Name number
5 Consonant Number
5 Vowel number
5 Life lesson number
5 Lucky Dates
5 Birthday number
5 Lifeperiods
5 Challenges
5 Highlights
5 Abundance number
5 Focus Number
5 House number
No. 6
6 Persontype
6 Name number
6 Consonant Number
6 Vowel number
6 Life lesson number
6 Lucky Dates
6 Birthday number
6 Lifeperiods
6 Challenges
6 Highlights
6 Abundance number
6 Focus Number
6 House number
No. 7
7 Persontype
7 Name number
7 Consonant Number
7 Vowel number
7 Life lesson number
7 Lucky Dates
7 Birthday number
7 Lifeperiods
7 Challenges
7 Highlights
7 Abundance number
7 Focus Number
7 House number
No. 8
8 Persontype
8 Name number
8 Consonant Number
8 Vowel number
8 Life lesson number
8 Lucky Dates
8 Birthday number
8 Lifeperiods
8 Challenges
8 Highlights
8 Abundance number
8 Focus Number
8 House number
No. 9
9 Persontype
9 Name number
9 Consonant Number
9 Vowel number
9 Life lesson number
9 Lucky Dates
9 Birthday number
9 Lifeperiods
9 Challenges
9 Highlights
9 Abundance number
9 Focus Number
9 House number
No. 11
No. 22
No. 33
The number 22 is a Master number. Master numbers indicate that the person has been through many incarnations and through this has acquired wisdom, knowledge, skills, abilities and insights.
The master number 22 is a great power that must be treated with caution. The visionary who makes dreams come true. Often a 22 becomes a 4’r. But the 22-year-old’s full capacity is like a builder who can achieve the almost impossible. A 22’s vibrations: Master of implementation, inventiveness, lots of energy, initiator and idealistic.
This type of person can be referred to as: The entrepreneur. Other designations could be: The practical idealist, the Construction Matador.
You have strong opinions and great wisdom, which are always used for practical purposes. You contribute to shaping the destiny of the world. Your originality allows you to create solutions to problems where others consider the problem unsolvable. You are a genius for thinking in broad terms and yet always reaching a practical solution.
You come across as the diplomatic type who can handle all situations in a practical, efficient manner. You seem to be in control of the material world and have the ability to create profound changes that can alter even history.
You are the superpower who voluntarily contributes to charity and to organizations that benefit large groups of people. Your power can spread to an international level; you can provide practical service to the world.
You have opportunities to build immense wealth on a worldwide scale. Your greatness is achieved through various resources, which also include other people. You love people and use the wealth you have accumulated through material growth to build a better world.
Strength (on all planes), Leadership (international), Elevation (universal).
Indifference, inferiority complexes. Overexertion and lust for power and control can create a negative 22, whose possibilities for evil can lead to a ruthless or even infamous state. Overexertion creates emotional difficulties. Danger of doubting one’s own abilities and of choosing the path of darkness.
Abundance number is the number that appears the most times in your numerological profile. As the highest representation in the calculation, it indicates areas that you already master and you can consider whether you should move the energy to areas where your data shows less representation.
Many 22s in the numerological profile indicate that you are largely perceived as “the visionary entrepreneur”, “the entrepreneur”. Perhaps you could benefit from a little focus on the opposite; that which is simple, straightforward, simple, easy, quick, clear.
Focus number is the number that appears the fewest times in your numerological profile. The focus number indicates with its smallest representation in the calculation that you should consider whether you can draw energy to these areas.
Few or no 22s in the numerological profile indicate that lack of energy around the number 22 is the biggest obstacle standing between you and your success. Perhaps you could benefit from more focus on what the number 22 first and foremost represents, namely the belief that the really big thing can actually be done.
When people contain Master numbers, this is assumed to be an expression of the fact that they have lived in many incarnations and acquired great abilities, skills, experiences, wisdom.They are, so to speak, old souls. They contain, more or less latently and unconsciously, great knowledge of what they have acquired in their many incarnations of abilities and skills.
When you contain one or more master numbers in your numerological profile, this is an expression of the fact that you have already gone through many incarnations, where you have learned to master many life lessons.
You have already in previous lives learned to master caring for others (2), learned to express yourself creatively (3), learned to appreciate the value of money (4), learned to understand that the world is bigger than your own little duck pond (5), learned to create and understand art, abstract thinking (6), learned to trust your intuition (7), learned to relate to the idea of multiple dimensions (8), learned to relate holistically (9).
In short, you are quite clever and already contain a lot of abilities, skills, wisdom. The life lesson that the number 22 represents builds on top of what you already know in advance – which is a lot!
When you have number 22 as your life lesson, the overall thing that you have undertaken is to learn to exercise leadership in large organizations and associations and to handle money efficiently and usefully for the benefit of large groups of people.
You have opportunities to build immense wealth on a worldwide scale. You have enormous abilities as a leader and as a political front-runner. With the right efforts, which by the way come easily to you, you can become one of those tycoons whose name lives on because they work for the benefit of millions.
Like 4s
You may have chosen to live your life as a 4, as 22 can be reduced to 4. If this is the case, it gives other aspects that you may be under the influence of.
Number 22-People have as lucky days, all days that fall on a date with their own number, i.e. day 22 as well as days that fall on a date with the number 4. So 4. 13. 22. or 31. Number 22-People should always seek to bring their ideas to fruition on these days and dates.
Your pronounced intuitive abilities can guide your original, inventive and creative mind. Since you are likely to become a leader in one way or another, use these higher vibrations wisely. True mastery is service.
Don’t let this power go to your head, as fame and admiration are likely. Realize instead that true mastery is serving others. If you manage to harness this great power you will become the source of inspiration. You are original and creative and can become an inspirational speaker. Gifted with special abilities that can lead others. Original and idealistic.
The name number tells about the talents and opportunities that are available to you in this life if you choose to develop and use them. Your name number is the sum of the abilities that you find easy to express because of the vibrations in your name.
With master number 22 as your name number, you have an enormous number of resources, abilities and talents to choose from. There is virtually free choice on all shelves for you! You can become whatever you want, there are no limits to the resources at your disposal.
With 22 as your consonant number, the first thing others notice when they meet you is the impression others have of you, shaped by the number 22 and how you use the powerful resources available to you in this master number.
If you use these in a good way, your influence on others will primarily be admiration and fascination. However, everything depends on how you juggle the many talents and resources you possess – whether you use them in a constructive way, or have chosen to live your life as a 4.
With 22 as your vocal number, your inner self wants to urge you to make use of the mighty resources available to you in this master number. The vocal number, also called Motivation number or Heart number, is the number of what your Higher Self wants you to do.
However, how this can concretely materialize depends on how you juggle the many talents and resources that you possess via your Master Number 22.
gets vibration from 22
– There is no first 22 number life period since there is no 22 ending month.
gets vibration from 22
Number 22 is the master builder. Being influenced by the vibrations of the number 22 during the period does not necessarily make you a master builder, but the period conjures up the stream of events that will surely speed you along the road to success.
This is a time when you have to follow your feelings while taking on greater responsibilities and taking advantage of opportunities. Keep nerves and emotions under control as these can become a problem during this period.
gets vibration from 22
Powerful energy will keep you going. This period may well be your most accomplished as arrangements will prepare you for major projects and important accomplishments. Keep busy these years and don’t shy away from participation on life’s stage.
Everyone has three challenges. The first challenge appears mostly in the first and beginning of the second life period. The second challenge manifests itself mostly in the rest of the second and entire third life period. While the third challenge is always present, throughout life.
Generally, the challenges show the weak links that need to be strengthened in order to achieve success in material affairs and happiness in external relationships. When Mestertallet 22 is one of the three challenges, the problem is not a lack of resources and talent.
So there is nothing to strengthen! On the contrary, there is something that needs to be tethered and perhaps discovered.
When master number 22 appears as a challenge, it is to draw your attention to the fact that you are capable of so much more than you are aware of. Make yourself aware that in the cycle that the challenge covers, you have all the resources available that the master number 22 contains.
According to numerology, we meet four high points on our way through life. The four highlights are expressions of four periods in our lives and each one stands as an expression of something we have to learn during this period. A high point is thus an expression of learning that occurs over a certain period in our lives.
The number 22 is a master number and its presence indicates that here is a person who has already gone through many incarnations and gained great abilities, skills, experiences, wisdom. They are, so to speak, old souls.
What the influence of master number 22 is depends on how conscious the person is. Is the person aware of the great abilities, talents and resources that are available? Or has the person chosen to live their life as a 4?
If the person has activated the energies from master number 22, anything can be done. Great happiness, gigantic fortune… the possibilities are there for anything to be possible.
With the influence of the master number no. 22 on the second and third high point, the same possibilities as mentioned under high point 1 are available.
With the influence of master number no. 22 on the fourth peak, the same possibilities are available as mentioned under peak 1.
22 applies to all house numbers where the cross sum is 22 – i.e. 22, 202, 499, 589, 598, 688, 778, 787, 877, etc.
22. house balance:
Energy for big plans, energy to dream big, energy to pursue big goals, energy to do everything on a grand scale, live a lavish and rich life.
22. house imbalance:
Too idealistic and unable to listen to others when something is decided, planned. Too much speed for everyone to keep up.
It will be best for you to live in a house number that has energies that help you achieve your desires, dreams, longings. According to numerology, these should revolve around your Life Lesson, as this is your basic destiny, what you came into this life to learn – and the sooner you learn these lessons, the better and happier life you will have.
Your best house number holds energies that support you in fulfilling your basic destiny. Supporting you to learn the lessons your life lessons dictate. If you have already learned these lessons – and are looking to expand your life in a different direction – a different house number will be more advantageous for you. You can see what the individual house numbers contribute in terms of energy by clicking on the numbers.
If there are several of you in the household, the best house number will be the one that best supports you together – Read more
Some consider number 33 to be a master number along the lines of 11 and 22 – i.e. a number other than a single digit that does not have to be reduced further when taking the cross-sum of a number. Others do not attach any numerological significance to the number 33 and will thus make an interpretation on the cross sum of the number, 3+3=6.
What is most correct can be discussed for a long time and without arriving at anything definitive, since spirituality is subjective and everyone is entitled to their opinion. Our sources for numerology are diverse with roots in both Western and Eastern culture, wisdom and spirituality.
What exactly is associated with the individual numbers – and whether the number 33 should be treated as a master number – is thus revealed in countless ancient writings. The closest we come to an understanding of the innermost essence of numerology is by viewing it as part of the larger spiritual puzzle, where everything is energy and everything is part of a great interaction.
Thus, it is essential to be aware that the numbers interact with each other, as well as everything else around them.
Understanding the innermost essence of numerology can also be achieved by looking at the eight trigrams, which are a cornerstone of Austrian spirituality.
The trigrams are arranged in an octagonal shape called Pakua – Pa (eight) Kua (trigrams). Each trigram has a symbolic name that acts as a kind of heading for the eight categories into which everything can be divided: Sky, Earth, Mountain, Marsh, Thunder, Wind, Water and Fire. Everything in the entire universe – the body’s organs, the family, corners of the world, etc. – is classified in relation to the eight trigrams.
This means that the individual trigrams come to form part of a system with a fairly extensive range. Since everything can be classified into one of the eight categories, everything will be able to be related to each other in a comprehensive correlation system.
But the trigrams do not simply describe a classification of things. They also explain the sequence in which the transformations proceed. Thus, there are many points of similarity between the numbers of numerology and the trigrams.
Hopefully, this can help you get closer to understanding the inner essence of numerology and making a decision about the number 33. If you feel that the number 33 should be treated as a Master Number, then simply do not reduce further when you come across the number. And otherwise take the cross sum, 3+3 = 6.
33 is a master number:
Because many websites refer to 33 as a Master Number. – Having three Master numbers is a trinity.
33 is a common number:
Because Pythagoras did not deal with the number 33. – It seems unclear what the number represents – Why stop at 33, why not include 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99?
Pythagoras of Samos (570 – 495 BC) was a Greek philosopher, mystic and mathematician. According to legend, Pythagoras was once walking past a forge when it struck him that the sound of a heavy hammer is deeper than that of a lighter one. and when he knew that two light weights can outweigh one heavier one, it was clear to him that note intervals in music can also be perceived as a relationship between numbers.
On a stringed instrument, the pitch of the note is determined by the length of the string. For Pythagoras, this was proof that everything in reality consists of numbers. The natural philosophers searched for the “primordial substance” that constitutes the underlying principle of reality; now Pythagoras came to the conclusion that the innermost principle of reality is numbers instead.
Pythagoras gave his name to the Pythagorean theorem about the relationship between the lengths of the sides of a right-angled triangle. The principle was well known both to the Egyptians and the Babylonians long before the time of Pythagoras, in the case of a triangle of measures 3, 4, and 5; but Pythagoras proved that the principle applied in all cases.
a2 + b2 = c 2
Pythagoras founded a school where mathematics, philosophy, music, etc. were taught. The school of Pythagoras was important in ancient times and it is from here that we have much of the knowledge about numbers on which numerology is built.
In order that his teaching should not be spread to outsiders, Pythagoras wrote nothing down and forbade his students (the Pythagoreans) to divulge anything about it outside the circle; therefore our knowledge of it is limited. Furthermore, there are many overlaps between what Pythagoras came up with and what his students accomplished.
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2-point lines
Just as one number represents a resource | vibration | energy, two numbers connected by a line illustrate that there is a connection between two resources. The connection between two numbers can be either an interaction or an energy flow that goes from one number to the other.
If both numbers have the same energy, there will be an interaction, while if one number is stronger than the other, this number can dominate. The energy will flow from the strong number to the weak number.
The interpretation of the current interaction between two numbers is obtained by looking at the numerological meaning of the two numbers.
Line 1-2
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between personal resources (1) and emotions (2). If personal resources (1) are the strong party, the interpretation is that personal resources can manifest in ambivalence, emotions. If feelings (2) are the strong party, the interpretation is that the strong dualism, ambivalence that the number two represents, can manifest itself in the search for, doubts about personal identity.
Line 1-4
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between personal resources (1) and the logical practicality (4). If personal resources (1) are the strong party, the interpretation is that personal resources can manifest in the logical, the practical. So here we have some indications of a practical hand layer. If the logical, the practical (4) is the strong part, the interpretation is that a strong awareness of the material world influences the personal resources so that these are mainly used to achieve more materially.
Line 1-5
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between personal resources (1) and the senses (5). If personal resources (1) are the strong party, the interpretation is that personal resources can manifest in the senses. If the senses (5) are the strong part, the interpretation is that a pronounced attention to the senses can result in a very sensitive mind, which can be good to the extent that it is expressed by a strengthened intuition. And it can be less good in that it is expressed by a fragile sensitive mind that takes on all the burdens of the world.
Line 2-3
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between emotions (2) and creative energy (3). If emotions (2) are the strong party, the interpretation is that the creation process is driven by emotions. The way you tap into being creative is driven by emotion and can involve stimulants. The creation process itself is also driven by emotions and will thus lack discipline, structure and order. If creative energy (3) is the strong party, energy will flow to (2) and what the number represents – feelings, care, consideration – will be expressed in creative ways.
Line 2-4
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between emotions (2) and logical practicality (4). If emotions (2) are the strong party, the interpretation is that the strong dualism, ambivalence that the number two represents, can manifest itself in the fact that you may find it difficult to show particularly great practical skill, as the emotional part of the brain will always have the upper hand. It is thus difficult for the practical, the logical, the mathematical and the rational to unfold. Opposite if the strong party is the logical practicality (4). Here the mathematical and logical will constantly seek to displace emotions and that which cannot be measured and weighed.
Line 2-5
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between emotions (2) and the senses (5). If feelings (2) are the strong part, the interpretation is that the strong dualism, ambivalence that the number two represents, can result in you sometimes not trusting one’s senses and therefore seeking confirmation of how things are outside of these – i.e. outside of one’s own person. If the senses (5) are the strong party, the interpretation is that these support the emotions and in such cases we therefore have a very high degree of intuition.
Line 2-6
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between emotions (2) and abstract ideas (6). If feelings (2) are the strong party, the interpretation is that the strong dualism, ambivalence that the number two represents, can result in you sometimes not trusting the theories and therefore looking for confirmation of how things are outside of them. If abstract ideas (6) are the strong party, the interpretation is that the theoretical, the abstract, the models, the methodological apparatus, cannot be contested or called into question.
Line 3-5
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between creative energy (3) and the senses (5). If the energy flows from (3), the interpretation is that the person uses his great creative energy to sharpen his senses. If the energy flows from the senses (5) to personal creativity (3), the interpretation is that the person manages to use all senses to solve challenges, including the 6th sense; the intuition.
Line 3-6
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between creative energy (3) and abstract ideas (6). If the energy flows from (3), the interpretation is that the person uses his great creative energy to devise abstract ideas, i.e. an expression of great creative thought process that can result in philosophical writings, conspiracy theories, spiritual considerations, manifestos, political thoughts, creative expression in word and deed. If the energy flows from abstract ideas (5) to creative energy (3) the interpretation is the same, but here there is more emphasis on the theoretical rather than the practical, action.
Line 4-5
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between the logical, practical (4) and the senses (5). If the logical practicality (4) is the strong part, the interpretation is that the energy from here flows towards the senses and keeps them under control. If the senses (5) are the strong party, the interpretation is that energy flows from here and towards the logical, so that it is more the senses than the logic that decides.
Line 4-7
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between logical practicality (4) and awareness of the limitations of the material world (7). To understand what this means, you must know that 6 represents the highest form of abstract thatching, 7 represents spiritual thatching, 8 represents the infinite, and 9 symbolizes “beyond the infinite”. Thus the numbers move higher and higher into the “spiritual”. When the energy therefore flows from logical thinking (4), towards spiritual thinking (7), the interpretation is that the person seeks to make the spiritual more tangible and concrete. Conversely, if the energy flows from (7) towards (4), the interpretation is that the person seeks to make the logical more nuanced, seeks to take the logical out of its familiar framework and see how it behaves outside the laboratory.
Line 4-8
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between logical practicality (4) and spiritual strength (8). If consciousness of the material world (4) is the strong party, energy from here will flow towards consciousness of eternity (8). The practical sense thus seeks to influence the spiritual development so that this is expressed in the existing reality/everyday life. Conversely, if the consciousness of eternity (8) is the strong party, energy will flow from here and towards the consciousness of the material world (4), which is why the spiritual development often loses the ground connection and takes place in “very high layers of air”.
Line 5-6
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between the senses (5) and abstract ideas (6). If the energy flows from (5), the interpretation is that the person has an excellent sense of taste, smell, hearing, touch, sight and uses these when abstract ideas need to be investigated, validated. If the energy flows from (6), the emphasis is on the process of abstraction that is sought to be drawn down to reality.
Line 5-7
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between the senses (5) and awareness of the limitations of the material world (7), which represent spiritual thatching, the intuition, the 6th sense. If the energy flows from (5), the interpretation is that the person prefers to understand and investigate everything, using his senses – sense of taste, sense of smell, sense of hearing, sense of touch, sense of sight – in a concrete, step-by-step, logical way. This rather than letting intuition run free. The person wants the thinking to be under control, to have a foundation. Conversely, if the energy flows from the (7) intuition, the 6th sense towards the (5) senses, the interpretation is that the person (in his thinking) does not need to divide anything, everything is allowed to flow together crosswise.
Line 5-8
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between the senses (5) and spiritual strength (8). If the senses (5) are the strong party, energy flows from here to spiritual strength (8), which means that you use your senses to achieve spiritual awareness and strength. If the energy goes away (8), the interpretation is that you seek to strengthen your senses via the strength you have in the spiritual.
Line 5-9
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between the senses (5) and sense of space (9). If the senses (5) are the strong party, energy flows from here to the sense of expansion, freedom, space and independent views (9). If the energy flows from (9) it means that you have a good understanding of freedom, democracy, the individual space and use this understanding to manage your senses.
Line 6-8
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between abstract ideas (6) and spiritual strength (8). If the energy flows from intellectual, philosophical resources (6) against (8), the interpretation is that the person seeks to develop his spiritual side.
Line 6-9
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between abstract ideas (6) and sense of space (9). If the energy flows from intellectual, philosophical resources (6) against (9), the interpretation is that the person seeks to develop his sense of expansion, freedom, space, independent views. If the energy flows from (9) towards six, the interpretation is that the person seeks to develop his personal creativity.
Line 7-8
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between awareness of the limitations of the material world (7) and spiritual strength, eternity (8). Both figures are concerned with spirituality, so there is real progress in thoughts and development of the person’s holistic view of himself and the universe.
Line 8-9
If these have the same energy, the interpretation is that there is an equal balance between spiritual strength (8) and sense of space (9). If spiritual strength (8) is the strong party, the interpretation is that energy flows from here and over to sense of space (9), If spiritual strength is the strong party, it means that energy flows from here and over to spiritual strength.
3-point lines
You can make a total of eight even three-number lines, each of which can be interpreted in four ways depending on how the strength ratio is between the numbers and including the direction of the energies.
In exactly the same way as the 2-point lines, three numbers connected by a line illustrate that there is a connection between three resources. The connection between the three numbers can be either an interaction or an energy flow that goes from one number to the other.
If the numbers have the same energy, there will be an interaction, while if one number is stronger than the other, this number can dominate. The energy will flow from the strong number to the weak number. The interpretation of the current interaction between the three numbers is obtained by looking at the numerological meaning of the numbers.
Line 1-2-3
Consists of the individual (1), ambivalence (2) and creative energy, ambitions and goals (3) . If the energy flows from (1), the interpretation is that the resources are directed towards higher goals outside the person. Some form of hesitation, doubt will show up in that person’s development. If the energy flows from (3), the interpretation is that there is an inward-directed energy flow that may have the characteristics of egocentricity. Artistic, musical and similar talents will often manifest in this way.
Energy field 1-2-4
Here the senses (5) are not in the person’s consciousness, which indicates a blockage. One chooses instinctively rather than with an awareness of identity through the senses.
Energy field 1-2-5
The personal resources (1) are connected with the emotions (2) and the senses (5). Which is interpreted as the personal resources being transformed by emotions and senses. The energy field contains no practical sense. 970 Energy field 2-4-5: As personal resources (1) are lacking in this energy field, there are identity problems. The field tells about energy that bypasses the individual. In a symbolic sense, such people have no personal resources. Other areas of the diagram as a whole will show where the main emphasis lies.
Line 4-5-6
Consists of the logical, practical (4), the senses (5) and abstract ideas (6). If the energy flows from (4), the interpretation is that this is an individual with strong logical resources which he uses as a starting point for an abstraction process. If the energy flows from (6), the emphasis is on the process of abstraction that is sought to be drawn down to reality. You can say that it is the line for the theorist, who is only satisfied when the theory actually works.
Line 7-8-9
Consists of awareness of the limitations of the material world (7), spiritual resources (8) and a sense of space (9). If the energy flows from (7) towards eight and nine, the interpretation is that a spiritual development is sought, which, based on reality, seeks upwards via an awareness of the soul towards higher spiritual goals. If the energy flows from (9), the interpretation is that it is an individual who, via a high spiritual consciousness, seeks to learn to master the reality of the material world with its limitations.
Line 1-5-9
Consists of personal resources (1), the senses (5) and a sense of expansion, freedom, space, independent views (9). If the energy flows from (1), the interpretation is that the individual via the senses has a general search outside of himself. The person realizes himself through contact with others. If the energy flows from (9), the interpretation is that the initiate is strong in social contact, but the energy flow down towards (1) indicates that this contact with others serves the realization of the self.
Line 1-4-7
Consists of personal resources (1), logical practicality (4) and awareness of the limitations of the material world (7). If the energy flows from (1) towards four and seven, the interpretation is that the individual uses his great personal resources to – via practical sense (4) – control time and work efficiently. If the energy flows from (7), the interpretation is that the individual has a great ability to handle the limitations of the material world and the surplus that comes from this is used – via practical sense (4) – to care for the individual.
Line 2-5-8
Consists of the emotional, the ability to choose, ambivalence, (2), the senses (5) as well as spiritual strength (8). If the energy flows from (2) towards five and eight, the interpretation is that the individual uses his emotional strength and ability to choose to – via the senses (5) – achieve spiritual awareness and strength. If the energy goes away (8), the interpretation is that the person via the strength he/she has in the spiritual – via the senses (5) seeks to strengthen his ability to act decisively, his ability to make choices.
Line 3-6-9
Consists of creative energy, ambitions and goals (3), abstract ideas (6) and sense of space (9). If the energy flows from (3) towards six and nine, the interpretation is that the person, starting from his personal creativity – via intellectual, philosophical resources (6) – seeks to develop his sense of expansion, freedom, space, independent views (9). If the energy flows from (9) towards six and three, the interpretation is that the person seeks to develop his personal creativity.
Line 3-5-7
Consists of creative energy, ambitions and goals (3), the senses (5) and awareness of the material limitations of the world (7). If the energy flows from (3), the interpretation is that the person uses his great creative energy to – via the senses (5) – realize creative needs in the material world. If the energy flows from (7), through the senses – dealing with others – to personal creativity (3), the interpretation is that there is an urge to use material resources effectively to achieve personal goals (the boss line).
Energy field 1-4-5
Here, the awareness of the possibility of choosing is lacking, as ambivalence and emotions (2) are not included. The energy field shows that the individual’s resources unfold through the senses (5).
Energy field 2-3-5
A capacity for discernment (2) together with personal creativity, personal goals (3) and contact with the senses (5) emphasize the individual’s personal goals. These goals can be within the world or personal development through growing awareness of the self.
Energy field 2-3-6
Here the emphasis is on goals, both personal (3) and intellectual (6). There is nothing standing in the way of these goals. It is not a question of whether they are to be reached – only how they are to be reached – expressed by ambivalence (2).
Energy field 2-4- 5
Since personal resources (1) are lacking in this energy field, there are identity problems. The field tells about energy that bypasses the individual. In a symbolic sense, such people have no personal resources. Other areas of the diagram as a whole will show where the main emphasis lies.
Energy field 2-5-6
Here, ambivalence (2) and senses (5) are combined in a force aimed at achieving intellectual goals. Therefore, the sense of abstraction is strong, which can result in the individual having a weakness for fantasies or hypotheses as well as an urge to question the nature of things.
Energy field 3-5-6
Here the emphasis is also – as in energy field 2-3-6 – on the search for personal and intellectual goals. Here, however, ambivalence (2) is not involved, but rather the senses (5). What this search will result in depends on whether there is contact with personal resources (1) and whether these are strong enough to achieve these goals. Without personal resources, frustration can arise. Alone, the combination 3 and 6 shows personal commitment.
Energy field 4-5-7
Practical sense (4) and awareness of the senses (5) combined with sense of the limitations of the material world (7). The energy field tells that the individual is in close contact with the material world. The lack of a long-term perspective – a sense of eternity (8) – means that the individual’s perception of the world’s reality will be of a down-to-earth nature.
Energy field 4-5-8
Awareness of the material world (4) combined with the senses (5) and awareness of eternity (8) suggests that the person in his material world is aware of the soul and the senses are in contact with the soul. That there is no knowledge of the limitations of time and the material (7) symbolizes that the individual is free from the shackles of time. This lack of awareness can cause such individuals to act as if they were part of eternity rather than bound by the material world.
Energy field 4-7-8
Practical sense (4) as well as an ability to make full use of the world due to a knowledge of the limitations of time and the material (7) combined with an awareness of eternity (8) means that the soul is in rest. But since there is no awareness of the senses (5), contact with other people (especially of the opposite sex) will be full of difficulties.
Energy field 5-6-8
The soul that is aware of eternity (8) searches for the intellectual answers (6) using the senses (5). As the sense of space and expansion (9) is lacking, the individual will be unsure of how much space he or she should have in this world. If the diagram as a whole lacks the individual (1) this will reinforce the problems of personal identity. On the other hand, the presence of strong grounding (4 and 7) in the chart as a whole will help the individual to face these identity conflicts.
Energy field 5-6-9
This energy field shows that the individual, through the transforming power of the senses (5), achieves to combine higher intellectual goals and imagination together with spiritual goals and personal expansion. This is an excellent resource for freelance work that involves the intellect. The individual will be a free spirit whose goal is expansion and the search for more space.
Energy field 5-7-8
The awareness of the limitations of the material world (7) is combined with awareness of the senses (5) and eternity (8). The energy field does not contain resources to deal with the concrete affairs of the world (4), which is why such an individual will run into difficulties. The fact that the individual often experiences that all good things come to an end can lead to a tendency to moralize. If the senses (5) are strong and there is contact with pure spirit (9) in the chart as a whole, this moralizing will most often be kindly intended.
Energy field 5-8-9
The senses (5) are here combined with awareness of eternity (8) as well as a sense of space and expansion (9). The interaction of the senses with the soul reduces the risk of panic in acute situations.
Energy field 6-8-9
An interesting energy field as here we have a combination of pure intellect (6), pure soul (8) and pure spirit (9). The combination is in no way connected to the person. This is the mind’s awareness of the soul. Without any contact with the physical body. It is a unique combination that does not belong in the human world yet.
Energy fields
In addition to the mentioned energy lines, the Pythagorean diagram also contains energy fields. These work in the same way as the energy lines in that the different energies gathered in the fields mutually influence each other. Depending on the strength ratio between the individual numbers, this energy exchange can be in one direction or the other.
As mentioned, the energy flows go from the strong numbers – those that appear most frequently in the reduction of your name to numbers – towards the “weak” numbers. There is no contact with the numbers that do not appear. The energy fields are thus an expression of the characteristics and their strength that the individual contains, if the energy field appears in his name. We work with 4-point and 6-point energy fields.
Energy field 1-2-4- 5
A combination of practical sense (4), personal resources (1), ambivalence and emotions (2) and the senses (5). This energy field provides a solid working foundation to cope with the world. However, it contains no creativity.
Energy field 2-3-5-6
The energy field illustrates the interaction between the intellect (6) and the senses (5) combined with discernment (2) and personal creativity, personal goals (3). It is an energy field far from space (9) and the limitation of time (7) nor is it connected to the individual (1). The interpretation of this energy field must therefore primarily be made based on looking at the diagram as a whole. In itself, it does not say much other than that there is an interaction between the above consciousnesses.
Energy field 4-5-7- 8
A combination of an awareness of the material world (4) and an ability to fully utilize the world due to a knowledge of the limitations of time and the material (7) means that the energy can be utilized through the senses (5) for the benefit of the soul ( 8).
Energy field 5-6-8- 9
This energy field is very spiritual. It indicates a very free spirit without any contact with the reality of the material world. The intellectual goals and philosophical interests (6) combined with spiritual goals (9) are here in conjunction with the senses (5) and a long-term perspective, sense of eternity (8). However, the energy field in no way equips the individual to live in this world.
Energy Field 1-2-3-4-5-6
This rectangular field contains intense practical sense (field 1-2-3-4) and a high motivation to achieve personal goals (2-3-5-6). However, there is the major shortcoming that no ability to communicate with others about these goals is indicated. There will be an inability to communicate with others and this lack is reinforced by the fact that there is no contact with spirituality or the world of the soul (neither 7,8 or 9 appear) and that there is no awareness of either space (9) or time (7).
Energy Field 1-2-3-4-5-7
This energy field is found within the lines that symbolize personal development (1-2-3), the practical (1-4-7) and action and limitations (3-5-7). Here there is great contact with the ground line; intense practical sense, sense of the concrete, awareness of the limitations of the material world and awareness of time. Whereas the creative sense is minimal.
Energy Field 1-2-3-5-6-9
This energy field is found within the lines that symbolize personal development (1-2-3), creativity and imagination (3-6-9) and communication with others (1-5-9). As many as two energy lines are connected to the person (1-2-3 and 3-6-9), which is why it is a very functional pattern. The person concerned will be able to take an initiative (full line of creativity 3-6-9) and communicate this in an imaginative way to others. However, the earth connection is limited to the personal resources found in the number one.
Energy Field 1-2-4-5-7-8
This energy field is the complete opposite of the high-flying, spiritual energy fields. Here we are completely down to earth. There is the practical line (1-4-7) and the line that provides the means to transform matter into a higher creative plane. But this can probably be difficult to do because there are neither ideals, goals, sense of abstraction and there is no room to move in the spiritual. We are therefore as down-to-earth and impractical as we can be.
Energy Field 1-4-5-7-8-9
This energy field is found within the lines symbolizing the practical (1-4-7), communication between people (1-5-9) and spiritual development. The energy field has to do with the world of reality. It thus includes real practical sense, attention to detail, the ability to do something about specific problems without difficulty or doubt – note the missing number two, ambivalence.
Energy Field 2-3-5-6-8-9
All ideals are found in the diagram. All the means to transform matter are present. But there is nothing to work with, no practical sense, no sense of time. This is a very reflective person who has the ability to come up with brilliant ideas. Whether these will then be managed to be implemented is more doubtful.
Energy Field 3-5-6-7-8-9
This energy field is quite unusual in that there is minimal contact with the individual. The fact that the Individual (1) does not appear makes it a very spiritual pattern. Only the number 6 energy field 4-5-6-7-8-9 has less contact with the individual. Everything in this energy field is directed towards the development of spiritual values.
Energy field 4-5-6-7-8-9
The only thing that this energy field has to do with the previous one is that they both contain the line of the intellect (4-5-6) and this is where the similarity ends. The fact that the self (1) does not appear and that there is therefore no connection between the senses (5) and the individual, makes the individual’s senses impersonal. There is nothing to say about that as this energy field indicates high spiritual service, self-annihilation and service to humanity.